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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 3
First page : ( 344) Last page : ( 357)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

An exploratory study of talent management in a flat organization

Mr. Chandratreya Abhijit*, Ms Sajanapwar Pallavi Mehandale**

*Research Coordinator, Post Graduate Research Centre of Indira Institute of Management, Pune

**Sr. Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Indira Institute of Management

Online published on 20 June, 2013.


Rationale of the Study

Talent management refers to the process of developing and integrating new workers, developing and retaining current workers, and attracting highly skilled workers to work for a company. Companies that engage in talent management (Human Capital Management) are strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, develop, retain, promote, and move employees through the organization. This term "talent management" is usually associated with competency-based management or human resource management practices. Talent management decisions are often driven by a set of organizational core competencies as well as position-specific competencies.

Flat organization (also known as horizontal organization) refers to an organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers. The idea is that well-trained workers will be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making process, rather than closely supervised by many layers of management.

In a greater competitive marketplace, speed or response time is critical. How organizations response to customers and other stakeholders or be the first to market may make a significant difference as time is at a premium. Organizations that can develop new technologies faster or can adapt to changes in the market faster are the ones that will survive the competition. To maximize response time, organizations have been flattening their hierarchies and structures, in addition to other initiatives such as downsizing and networking. Flat organizations make decisions more quickly because each person is closer to the ultimate decision-makers. There are fewer levels of management, and workers are empowered to make decisions. Decision-making becomes decentralized.

With changing employee demographics in the flat world, the entire recruitment and deployment strategies of the HR Department have changed. Due to the flat hierarchy, scope for promotions etc. become limited and the employees become frustrated working at the same level and same job functions.

Research Methodology

The researchers through exploratory study hope to bring out the salient features incorporated by few companies in India who are having a flat hierarchy towards employee satisfaction and growth.


The researchers will attempt to find out the common strategies adopted by the organizations for talent management in a Flat Organization.

Research Implications/Limitations

The researchers hope that this study will help the HRM department of other flat organizations in planning their recruitment and retention strategies. As this is a report on the strategies being followed by various organizations based on their reports and articles published in journals etc, the researchers cannot claim or point out whether the strategies adopted have been successful.

Scope for Future Research

Primary research can be undertaken to find out the effect of proper strategies on talent management in a flat organization.



Flat Organization, HRM, Talent Management.


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