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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 222) Last page : ( 228)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Few perspectives on visual literacy and theatre

Praveen Krishna*, Dr. Devi V. Anitha**

*Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Vellore

**Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Vellore

Online published on 25 June, 2015.


Images create information for the eyes of the viewer through color and design. Where ever we turn around the abundance of images engages us visually with information. The 21st century could be called an image filled era. The predominance of the use of images covers from television shows to the billboards seen on the road side. Though this is the reality, seldom do people think of the role of these images in creating a visual consciousness and awareness for comprehending information. It is not accidental that we come across these images in our daily lives rather it is purely intentional. The relevance of visual literacy in mundane activities for the masses stems its roots in this context. If a person could construct an idea out of the images that he/she sees around them, then that aptitude is a product of visual literacy. Creative arts and theatre have cultural significance in India both in education and entertainment. The nature of visual literacy one acquires is through the cultural activities and traditional connotations of visuals at home. But with the advancements in graphic technology, numerous images are created and generated for various purposes. Some of these images that complement theatre is ever increasing. Comprehending an image and visual captures or freezes of theatrical performances is a skill that can aid in fostering visual literacy for spectators of different age groups. Visual literacy is a necessary skill that a person living in this post-modern century should develop. Out of the manifold means through which visual literacy is imparted, theatres seem more productive and effective for the onlookers to learn language skills and theatrical skills and become visually literate. This paper attempts to analyze the connection between visual literacy and theatre.



Text, images, comprehension skills, visual literacy, theatre.


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