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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 265) Last page : ( 278)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Emotional competence in relation to personality traits of the principals of colleges of education

Dr. Chitra G.1, Prof. Balasubramanian N.2

1Principal, Shivaparvathi Mandradiar College of Education for Women, Palayakottai, Tiruppur

2Former Professor and Head, Dept. of Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Online published on 2 April, 2019.


An attempt was made to study the distribution of various dimensions of Emotional Competence and Personality Traits among the Principals of the Colleges of Education besides finding out whether there is any significant difference among their emotional competence and personality traits with respect to their sex and marital status and age and the location and type of the institutions. It is also aimed at studying whether there is any significant relationship between their emotional competence and personality traits in addition to establishing whether there is any significant inter-relationship among the different components of emotional competence and personality traits. Survey method of research was attempted to collect the required data by taking 50 principals of Colleges of Education by stratified random sampling method. The conclusions of the study include the principals of the co-educational institutions are more of being reserved, detached, critical and cool when compared to their counterparts working in non-coeducational institutions. The personality traits of the principals of the Colleges of Education are not affected by their sex and marital status and the location and type of the colleges. It is also concluded that age has no influence on the personality traits of the principals besides sex and marital status of the principals and the locality and type of the institution have no influence on most of the components of emotional competence. Most of the personality traits of the principals do not have any influence on the other personality traits of the principals. Some of the components of the emotional competence have positive relationship among them while some of the components have no relationship at all.



Personality Traits, Emotional Competence, Principals of Colleges of Education.


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