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Browse Publisher (Indian Gerontological Association)

Indian Gerontological Association (Registration No. 212,1968-69)

Welcome to the Indian Gerontological Association. We are interested in promoting an understanding of ageing and later life.

Gerontology (from Greek: ?e??, gero, "old age"; and ?????, logos, "speech" lit. "To talk about old age") is the study of the social, psychological and biological aspects of aging. It is distinguished from geriatrics, which is the branch of medicine that studies the disease of the elderly.

Aging is a multidisciplinary field. This means that the study of aging combines or integrates information from several separate areas of study. Biology, sociology, and psychology are the "core" or basic areas, along with content from many other areas of study such as public policy, humanities, and economics.

Gerontology is the study of the aging processes and individuals as they grow from middle age through later life. It includes:

The study of physical, mental, and social changes in older people as they age.

The investigation of the changes in society resulting from our aging population

The application of this knowledge to policies and programs. As a result of the multidisciplinary focus of gerontology, professionals from diverse fields call themselves "gerontologists"

Write to Managing Editor, Indian Gerontological Association, C-207, Manu Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004
Tel : 91-0141-621693, E-mail: gerontoindia@gmail.com

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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