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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 11)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826.

A study on employee welfare measures with reference to south central railways in India

Mr. Ramana T. Venkata1, Dr. Reddy E. Lokanadha2

1Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. & Tech., Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

2Professor of Economics, Department of MBA, Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. &Tech., Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

Online published on 28 January, 2015.


Employees welfare refers to “the efforts made to provide good life worth for employees”. Employees welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, Intellectual or social, of the employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry”. Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. Intra-mural and Extra-Mural. The Intra-Mural schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. The Extra-Mural schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry. The basic purpose of employees’ welfare is to enrich the quality of life of employees and keep them happy and contended. Extra-Mural benefits are the result of employer's generosity, enlightenment and philanthropic feelings. It is one of many ways for people to feel heard, cared for, to be informed and to be involved. It is equally important to ensure that leaders and employees at all levels of the organization are aligned to the culture of the organization and living it. Hence this paper contributes the in-depth of analysis of both Intra-Mural and Extra-Moral and its impact on employee satisfaction in South Central Railways. This study conducted with objectives of welfare measures in South Central Railways and its impact on employee satisfaction Finally, results drawn with basis of observations are Extra-Mural particularly on Sports, Cultural, Library, Reading, Leaves on travel, Welfare Cooperatives, Vocational, Welfare facilities to Children and Women, where as in Intra-mural particularly protective clothing, crèches, restrooms and drinking facilities are in poor state to improve the rate of employee satisfaction.



Employee Welfare, Employee Satisfaction, Intra-Mural, Extra-Mural, South Central Railways.



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