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Year : 2017, Volume : 17, Issue : 2
First page : ( 148) Last page : ( 156)
Print ISSN : 2231-0649. Online ISSN : 2231-0657.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-0657.2017.00018.0

Political branding: Redefining the paradigms of politics

Kumar Amit1,*Assistant Professor, Dhamija Somesh1,*Head-Management (UG)

1Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

(* Corresponding author) email id: *amit.kumar@gla.ac.in,



Modern times are such that many concepts which were traditionally restricted to a certain area have come under scrutiny in the context of the changes as experienced by our society. One such phenomenon is politics. This research paper makes an attempt to relate the concept of politics with that of branding in such a way that eventually, political branding is shown as the way ahead for the political outfits and leaders. At the same time, the realms of branding, as a concept, are also increasing and the same has been brought to the fore in this research paper. Impression management as well as maintaining a positive image is of paramount importance for politicians and in this regard, their handlers (read campaign managers) make sure that their exposure to media is not more than desired and that the leaders are presented in a certain way which enhances their overall chances of winning. This paper highlights this aspect related to contemporary politics as well. Being conceptual in nature, it showcases the perspectives of the authors towards the notions of politics and branding and how similar or dissimilar they are to each other. The understanding which emanates from putting politics and branding side-by-side is to be taken with an eye on the ways in which they differ from each other. Overall, this paper would be of interest to those who intend to learn about the image and impressions management which characterise a political leader as well as the constant control which comes along with them.



Image, Impressions management, Politics, Branding, Political branding, Paradigm, Packaging leader.


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