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Siddhant- A Journal of Decision Making

Publication's web-site
Publisher: Regional College Of Management, Bhubaneswar
Print ISSN: 2231-0649
Online ISSN: 2231-0657
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: January, April, July and October

Siddhant a journal of decision making is a quarterly referred research journal published by RCMA, Bhubaneswar, India. It covers topics relating to various dimensions of management and business.The mission of the journal Siddhant is to continue to be one of the top tier research and leading journal on management and business. The journal emphasizes on quality and relevance of articles in the field of management and business. It propagates knowledge to academicians researchers, practicing managers and students all over the world on regular basis.

Indexed/Abstracted with - NAAS Rating - 3.43(2024), Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, CNKI scholar, CIF, I2OR, ESJI, J-Gate, Indian Science, Cite Factor, DRJI, ISRA-JIF and IIJIF.

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