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Author Guidelines

Siddhant-A journal for decision making invites original unpublished articles and other types of materials from policymakers, academicians, researchers, consultants and practicing managers in the fields of management, relevant to all categories of organizations for possible publication in the Journal. The materials received will be acknowledged and articles received will be sent for blind review. After review the acceptance will be conveyed. The editor reserves the right to present the material in appropriate format suitable for its readership. The authors interested to contribute articles to the journal may ask for a specimen copy of the Journal to familiarized with the presentation format.

Submission Guidelines for Contributors

  1. All articles must be academically sound and be supported by relevant facts and figures. Empirical research presented in a proper format would be given preference.

  2. All contributions must be original and should be professionally proof read before submission. Once the paper is accepted, the publisher will send the prescribed copyright form which has to be filled in by authors and submitted to the publisher.

  3. All articles must include a brief abstract of about 200 words and five to six Keywords. The length of an article should normally not exceed 5000 words.

  4. Extensive background materials, detailed tables and derivation of mathematical results should be submitted separately for evaluation by the referee(s), which will be published as per the relevance in the article.

  5. References and footnotes should be presented separately at the end of the manuscript and appropriately numbered. This will include full details of the name(s) of the author(s), title of the article, name of the journal or book, volume, page numbers, details of the publishers and the year and month of publication.

  6. Manuscripts should be typed with wide margin and on one side of A4 size paper only. Three copies of the manuscript should be sent to the Editor. The material should also be sent in a CD formatted in MS Word. In case any other software is used, details should be provided for safe retrieval.

  7. A declaration is required to be given along with the manuscript to the effect that the article has not been published in any other journal / magazine.

  8. The authors are required to provide their brief resume containing the e-mail id, web address if any while sending the manuscript.

References: References should be cited in the style prescribed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th ed.), indicatig the position of the reference in the text within brackets by the author's last name and the year of publication; e.g.: (Porter, 1980) or incorporating it into a sentence, eg: 'as pointed out by Hannan and Freeman (1977)'. At the end of the text, references should be listed in the alphabetical order of the last names of the authors, with a title REFERENCES. Guidelines for providing the references at the end of the paper is given below.

  • (If it is a book): Porter, M.E. (1980) Competitive Strategy, New York : Free Press, pp.55-57

  • (If it is an article in a journal): Hannan, M.T. and Freeman, J. (1977) The Population Ecology of Organizations, American journal of Sociology, Vol-V, No.2, pp.121-122

  • (If it is an article in an edited book): Kanter, R.M. (1988) When a Thousand Flowers Bloom, in B. Staw and L. Cummings (eds), Research in Organizational Behaviour, Greenwich , CT : JAI Press, pp.169-211.

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