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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2023, Volume : 16, Issue : 12
First page : ( 5855) Last page : ( 5859)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00948

Correlation of Vitamin D Levels with Insulin Resistance in women with PCOS

Siahaan Salmon Charles P T1,*, Idarto Areta1, Lestari Sarah Hagia2, Usman Fatimah3, Tannus Ferdinand Aprianto1

1Researcher of Medical Profession Study Program, Medical Faculty, Ciputra University

2Researcher of Medical Education Study Program, Medical Faculty, Ciputra University

3Researcher of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Faculty, Sriwijaya University

*Corresponding Author E-mail: charlessiahaan.obgyn@gmail.com

Online Published on 07 February, 2024.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder. Since PCOS impacts insulin metabolism and fertility, gene transcription and hormone regulation play a role in its development. The symptoms of PCOS, namely insulin resistance, ovulation, menstrual irregularities, infertility, hyperandrogenism, obesity, and an increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease can be worsen by decrement of 25(OH)D level. This study aimed to determine the phenotype distribution of PCOS; to know the levels of Vitamin D in women with PCOS; to know the picture of insulin resistance in women with PCOS with excess body weight; to analyze the relationship of Vitamin D with insulin resistance in women with PCOS. This study used analytical test with randomization on PCOS patients. The phenotypes of the study samples were phenotype 1 (6 patients = 30%) and phenotype 4 (14 patients = 70%), phenotypes 2 and 3 were not found; There was no relationship between vitamin D and insulin (12.635±4.2721 vs 11.407±4.2721; p= 0,068);There was no relationship between vitamin D and glucose (12.635 ±4.2721 vs 102.75±10.015; p= 0,835); There is a relationship between vitamin D and HOMA IR (12.635± 4.2721 vs 2.880±.4213; p = 0,026; r -0,497) with a negative correlation between the two variables and there is a relationship between BMI with HOMA-IR and vitamin D (p=0,001 and p= 0,003).There is a negative relationship between vitamin D and HOMA-IR, namely a decrease in vitamin D causes an increase in HOMA-IR (insulin resistance).



HOMA-IR, Insulin resistance, PCOS, Vitamin D.


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