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Appraising Energy Efficiency Projects Designing Financial Structures and Instruments

Publication's web-site
Publisher: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd
Print ISBN: 0000-00-00-00

The World Bank has executed a technical assistance project for the development of financial intermediation mechanisms for energy efficiency (EE) investment in Brazil, China and India. IREDA has hosted the India Secretariat of this project and facilitated involvement of commercial banks in financing of EE projects. To develop the requisite systems and processes for appraising EE projects an Appraisal Manual has been prepared. The Manual has been designed after studying the existing appraisal system being followed by banks and after identifying the gaps in the appraisal procedure and systems as would be required for EE projects. Apart from the Appraisal Manual, a separate Manual detailing financial structures and financing instruments for suitably addressing the various risks of EE projects has been developed. For preparation of this Manual, existing financial instruments/structures available with the commercial banks were studied and modified financial instruments and structures to meet the specific requirements of EE project financing have been suggested. I hope this kind of documentation will help banking institutions to promote and finance EE projects, which present a vast and promising business opportunity.

Debashish Majumdar is a professional engineer and holds a B.Tech Degree in Electrical Engineering (1976) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Mr. Majumdar has worked in both private and public sector and has rich experience of more than 30 years in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency Mr. Majumdar has been with the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) for over ten years and presently heads the organisation as its Chairman and Managing Director.


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