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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : ( 435) Last page : ( 439)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2018.00067.7

The Winner in the Battle of Health Insurance Penetration: India or china

Francis Roselin1,*, Dr Uma VR2,**

1Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Christ University, Bangalore-560029, Karnataka

2Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Christ University, Bangalore-560029, Karnataka

*Corresponding Author E-mail: roselin.francis@yahoo.in


Online published on 2 June, 2018.


Both India and China are very old civilizations with societies which are run and driven by the aura of culture and traditions of their ancestors. This has resulted in a silent competition between both the countries in varied aspects. Therefore, many comparisons have been made between India and China to draw conclusions on how well both the countries, with identical societal norms, are doing.


This paper is another such effort to draw conclusions on the performance of the Indian and Chinese Health Insurance Sector and the lessons both nations can learn from each other.


Extensive literature survey was conducted considering the previous works that were conducted by eminent authors in this field.


The study finds that China, through its trial and error method in implementing the schemes, has progressed faster in comparison to India, which started off in the field of health insurance four decades before China that is in 1912.

Research Limitations

  • The study has served only a brief history of health insurance in both the countries

  • General conclusions have been drawn on the performance of private and public bodies playing a role in the health insurance sector of both the countries.

  • Suggestions have been given only based on the research conducted by individuals personally involved with health insurance and health care or other influential designations



India, China, Health Insurance, Rural Population, Healthcare.


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