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Aims and Objectives

The Society of Plant Protection Sciences was established in Oct. 12, 1992 and its publication started in 1993. The society is a non-profit voluntary body duly registered under the Registrar of the Societies Act 1860. The Society of Plant Protection Sciences (SPPS) was established with the following objectives:

  1. To promote multi-disciplinary team approach in plant protection aimed at integrated pest management.
  2. To provide common forum to entomologists, plant pathologists, hematologists weed scientists, pesticide experts and other interested in plant protection in India and abroad to exchange views and information.
  3. To aggravate and disseminate information on various basic and applied aspects of plant protection sciences.
  4. To encourage and recognize talent among plant protection scientist by distributing suitable awards.

The journal "Annals of Plant protection Sciences" is a half yearly publication i.e. March and September, every year that includes high quality research articles of international standard. We are also publishing coloured photographs which add the standard of the journal. All the papers of entomology, plant pathology, hematology weeds, and pesticides used in IPM are scrutinized by the Editors and Editor-in-Chief, and then sent to the experts in India for their comments. The Editor-in-Chief is trying to publish quality papers as soon as the papers are through from the reference and is kept for next issue. The journal is timely published March issue in March and so on. There are overwhelming responses from the authors as the paper is accepted / rejected within 3-4 months of the receipt.

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