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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2002, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 265) Last page : ( 271)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Rhizospheres of Wheat and Chickpea

Khan Md. Saghir, Zaidi Almas

Department of Agricultural Microbiology. RAK Institute of Agric. Sci., AMU. Aligarh 202 002, India.

* E-mail: <zaidi2945@sancharnet.in>


Nine strains of flourescent pseudomonas isolated from the rhizospheres of wheat and chickpea were characterized morphologically as well as biochemically for indole acetic acid, siderophores and lipolytic activity. Most strains were capable of IAA synthesis (< 20 μg/ml). Biosynthesis of IAA was enhanced by increasing the concentrations of tryptophan added to the growing medium. All of the strains produced siderophores but the degree of siderophores production varied from strain to strain. Among these strains, PC-4, PW-7 and PW-9 isolated from chickpea and wheat rhizospheres respectively were found as potential siderophore producers. The culture broth and cell free filtrate of the strains produced lipases in solid medium plates containing tributyrin as indicator. In general, the cell free filtrates of the fluorescent pseudomonas produced more lipases than their respective culture broths and an increase of 0.6 to 26.8% was recorded over culture broth. Further, in vitro antagonism against Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Pythium apanidermatum and Trichoderma viride by PC-3, PC-4, PW-6, PW-7 and PW-9 was determined. Cell free filtrates of PW-7 and PW-9 showed antagonism activity against B. cinerea, R. solani, F. oxysporum and P. aphanidermatum growing on PDA.


Key words

IAA, Lipase, PGPR, Phytopathogens, Siderophore.


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