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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 27, Issue : 3
First page : ( 367) Last page : ( 369)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573. Online ISSN : 0974-0163.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-0163.2019.00080.6

Prevalence of Diseases of Banana in Eastern Parts of Bihar

Chand Gireesh*, Sharma S.K.1, Azad C.S., Pal A.K.2

Department of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813 210, Bhagalpur (Bihar), India

1Department of Entomology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813 210, Bhagalpur (Bihar), India

2Department of Biochemistry and Crop Physiology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813 210, Bhagalpur (Bihar), India


Online published on 12 December, 2019.


A survey was conducted to investigate diseases affecting banana cultivation in Eastern parts of Bihar using a specific format of a questionnaire and field observations. A total of 100 farmers from five mostly banana cultivated districts viz., Bhagalpur, Khagaria, Katihar, Purnea and Kishanganj were randomly selected (25 farmers of each location) and deeply interacted by using a structured questionnaire. On basis of farmers view and extensive field survey during crop season of the year 2015–16, 2016–17 and 2017–18, the major diseases observed were panama wilt, sigatoka, anthracnose, bacterial wilt and banana bunchy top. Among these, the most prevalent disease (62.1%) in banana cultivation in different localities was panama wilt followed by sigatoka disease (31.8%), anthracnose (30.2%) and bacterial wilt (16.4%). However, least incidence (3.2%) was observed in case of bunchy top disease. About, 30% of the farmers used integrated management strategies by using cultural and chemical methods. The inventory of the major common diseases of banana crop would be useful for preparing a disease management package for Eastern region of Bihar.



Diseases incidence, Management, Musa spp.


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