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Recommendations of Global Animal Nutrition Conference (GLANCE 2014) held at Bengaluru from April 20–22, 2014

Theme : Climate Resilient Livestock Feeding Systems for Global Food Security

  • Increased attention for developing feed / fodder banks for improving feed resource utilization.

  • Promoting food-feed crop cultivation in developing countries in a holistic manner to bridge the existing feed gap.

  • Balanced feeding practices that has lower green house gases (GHG) footprints needs to be validated and propagated.

  • Knowledge and capacity building is essential for stakeholders on climate change impact on livestock.

  • Technologies and systems need to be developed for disaster management to overcome hazards of more frequent extreme climatic events.

  • Efforts required for quantification of gut microbiome and its correlation with functional activities to elucidate maximizing nutrient extraction from feed and reducing methane emission.

  • Metagenomics to be used to correlate and predict the phenotypes of the animals that can help in selection of high performing animals.

  • An integration of metabolism and ovarian function should be the tool for better reproductive outcomes.

  • Need to relook the requirements of vitamin E, Zn, Cu and Cr for improved immunity in dairy animals due to climate stress and establish the role of novel elements.

  • Research to be focused on precision feeding in animals for optimizing production and reducing feed cost.

  • Phase feeding in poultry and swine should be practised to reduce nutrient excretion particularly nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • Feed and animal product safety regulations need to be addressed and feed regulatory authority be constituted for monitoring quality and safety.

  • Feed industry should upscale and popularize technologies of fodder blocks and total mixed ration for better use of roughage source.

  • Need to have a institute-industry linkage program (IILP) in all institutes in line with institute-village-linkage program (IVLP).

  • Need to develop alternative sources of feed which are locally available, cheaper and qualitatively superior.

  • Potential health promoting effects of neutraceuticals need to be explored extensively for achieving sustainable production in ruminants.

  • Eubiotic approach for monogastrics involving prebiotics, probiotics, phytogenics and related compounds should be given priority for improvement of general health.

  • Research to be focused on application of nanotechnology for efficient and safe delivery of nutrients.


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