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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year : 2022, Volume : 39, Issue : 4
First page : ( 332) Last page : ( 347)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209. Online ISSN : 2231-6744.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-6744.2022.00040.8

Nano copper in poultry nutrition: Potential effects and future prospects-A review

Aminullah N.1, Prabhu T. M.*, Suresh B.N., Mostamand A.1

Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Bengaluru, 560 024, India

1Afghanistan National Agricultural Sciences and Technology University, Kandahar, 0093, Afghanistan

*Correspondence: prabhutmann@gmail.com

Online published on 22 March, 2023.


Copper (Cu), an essential trace element plays a key role in maintenance, productionand health of birds. Hence, supplementation of Cu has become a common practice in poultry diets. However, thebioavailability of Cu from feed ingredients as well as from its inorganic saltsislow. Thus, strategies to improve bioavailability of Cu from its conventional sources for use in poultry diets assume significance. In this context, nano-technology has been demonstrated to be beneficial in various biological fields including poultry nutrition. Nano Cu (NCu) has additional novel properties (size, shape, concentration, surface charge and reactivity) compared to its conventionalinorganic form. The improved nutrients utilization and growth performance of birds was observed upon dietary inclusion of NCu. This effect was attributed to better gut health due to antimicrobial properties of NCu and also due to better expression of hypothalamic appetite regulating genes and dietary energy and fat utilization.The metabolizability of nutrients and growth performance of birds was improved or comparable at reduced NCulevel in the diets.Further, reduced Cu interaction withphytic acid, iron and zinc, increased Cu deposition in the tissues and reduced Cu excretion due to NCu inclusion in the poultry dietswereobserved. However, suppressed immune response and antioxidant statuswas reported due to relatively higher dose of NCuin poultry diets, due to inappropriate stimulation of immune system or over production of reactive oxygen species due to nanoparticles in the body.Due to numerous advantages, the application of NCu in poultry nutrition will continue to develop and further studies are required to fulfil the knowledge gap in physicochemical characteristicsincluding toxicityof nanoparticles in poultry.



Bioavailability, Copper, Nanoparticles, Poultry.


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