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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year : 2023, Volume : 40, Issue : 3
First page : ( 305) Last page : ( 312)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209. Online ISSN : 2231-6744.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-6744.2023.00038.5

Effect of boron supplementation during peripartum period on colostrum yield and composition and carry over effect on calf health in crossbred karan fries cows during hot humid season

Praveen S.1,*, Chandra Ramesh1, Kumar Nishant1, Tiwari Sadhana1, Rajneesh2

1Livestock Production and Management Section, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana - 132001, India

2Livestock Production and Management Section, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh - 243122, India

*Correspondence: tanuvaspraveen@gmail.com

Online published on 28 December, 2023.


The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effect of supplementation of boron on colostrum yield and composition in lactating crossbred Holstein Friesian cows and its carryover effect on health of calves during hot humid season. Eighteen prepartum healthy crossbred Karan Fries cows were selected from institutional herd and divided into three groups as BO (control), B250 (with 250 ppm boron) and B500 (with 500 ppm boron) in addition to the basal diet (ICAR, 2013 feeding standard) from 30 days prepartum to 60 days postpartum. Boron was supplemented in the form of boric acid. Average THI during whole experimental period was 82.45. Daily colostrum yield, colostrum composition viz fat %, SNF %, total solids %, protein%, lactose % and colostrum SCC were analyzed and calf birth weight, growth rate, calf health parameters like diarrhoea, pneumonia, naval ill and mortality were also recorded. There was significant effect (P<0.001) reduction in colostrum SCC in accordance with both treatment groups and day of lactation and colostrum SNF was high on 4th day of lactation. The calf fed with colostrum of boron supplemented dam showed reduced rate of diarrhoea, naval ill and mortality and no significant difference on calf birth weight, growth rate and average daily gain. On conclusion, supplementing boron 250 ppm and 500 ppm in diet has reduced colostrum somatic cell count and improved calf health but no considerable improvement in colostrum yield and colostrum composition and calf growth rate.



Boron, Colostrum composition, Colostrum yield, Somatic cell count.


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