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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year : 2023, Volume : 40, Issue : 3
First page : ( 375) Last page : ( 380)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209. Online ISSN : 2231-6744.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-6744.2023.00047.6

Proximate and mineral composition of small indigenous fishes (Sifs) from the western ghats of Kerala

Sharma Lovedeep*, Pandit Sachin, Ali Anvar

Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad, Kerala, India

*Correspondence: lovedeeps@kufos.ac.in

Online published on 28 December, 2023.


Small indigenous fish species (SIFs) are often highly nutritious, providing essential nutrients such as proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, as can be consumed whole body. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing malnutrition. The present study offers preliminary information on the proximate and mineral composition of SIFs endemic to the Western Ghats. The moisture content was found to be highest in Systomus sarana (78.4%) followed by Puntius mahecola, Pethia punctata and Dawkinsia filamentosa. The present findings revealed that Pethia punctata (15.2±0.15%) has the highest protein content as compared. P. mahecola (2.65±0.75%) and P. punctata (3.65±0.01%) are low-fat fishes, while D. filamentosa and S. sarana belong to the medium-fat category. Ash content for all the species under study ranged between 0.99-5.02 %. The carbohydrate content ranged between 3-5% and fibre ranged between 1-6% for these species. These species contain significant quantities of minerals, such as calcium (2.30 to 2.64 % dry weight basis) and phosphorus (2.21 to 2.63 %dry weight basis), underscoring their significance as a mineral source. The results demonstrated that small indigenous fish (SIFs) possess a noteworthy abundance of nutrients, establishing their crucial role in ensuring livelihood and nutritional security.



Barbs, Endemic, Nutritional value, Small indigenous fish.


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