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Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Publication's web-site
Indian Association Of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists And Specialists In Infectious Diseases
Print ISSN: 0970-9320
Online ISSN: 0974-0147
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: The ‘Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases’ (IJCMIID), published by the Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI), a professional society founded on 7th June, 1978 and having more than 1085 life members in India and abroad. The then executive committee of the Association appointed an editor, an associate editor and eight members on the editorial board to publish its first volume in 1979. Presently, the journal is being looked after by an Editor-in- Chief, along with two associate editors and 12 members of the editorial board coming from various sub-disciplines of microbiology and immunology. This biannual peer reviewed journal has been published regularly since then including special Volumes on various important issues of animal health from time to time and 44th volume of the journal is being published in the current year i.e. 2023. The Journal covers various contemporary aspects of infectious diseases of veterinary importance including comparative and applied microbiology, immunology, biotechnology, epidemiology and public health.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. A.B. Pandey Principal Scientist and I/c VTCC, Division of Biological Standardization ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, U.P., India
Indexed/Abstract with - NAAS Rating 2024 - 4.49, CAB Abstract, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF - 6.981), InfoBase Index(IB Factor - 3.1), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, Indian Citation Index(RII - 0.023), I2OR, ESJI, DRJI, ISRA-JIF, EZB, IIJIF, EBSCO Discovery, J-Gate, Indian Science and Cite Factor
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