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Indian Journal of Gerontology
Year : 2020, Volume : 34, Issue : 1
First page : ( 17) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0971-4189.

Effects of prolonged hospitalization on chronically ill elderly patients in federal medical centre Yenagoa, Nigeria

Adeyanju, Babafemi Awoniyi, Beredugo, Ikiomoye Letticia, Fimie Data Aluye-Benibo, Amakoromo Tari, Lamawal Lawrence Arunibebi

Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Online published on 23 December, 2020.


Long term hospitalized elderly patients are those elderly whose length of stay had notably exceeded the average length of stay for the diagnosis related group, based on principal admitting diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prolong hospitalization on the chronically ill 50 elderly patients (28 or 56% male and 22 or 44% female) age varying from 65 yrs. and above, of Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Yenagoa, Nigeria. A pilot tested structured interview schedule was administered to collect data. The self-designed questionnaires were given to elderly patients with chronic conditions in all the wards that admit elderly patients in FMC Yenagoa. Data collected from the descriptive study was analysed using percentages and tabular presentations. The study revealed that the effect of long term hospitalization can be severe and has different effects on the elderly. These can be grouped as physical, social, economic, and psychological. Among the physical effects are tiredness, hospital acquired (nosocomial) infection, unfamiliar surroundings, long stay on bed, Lung infections, urinary tract infections, constipation due to prolonged stay in bed, pressure sores, weak muscles, bones and stiff joints and other complications. The study also revealed social effects such as loss of privacy, home sickness, rejection of medication, reduced satisfaction and interference with way of normal life. The economic effects include increased cost, financial constraint, the cost of hospitalization and truancy at work. While the psychological effects are fear due to unfamiliar surroundings, stress and worries. In addition, prolong hospitalized elderly develop a negative perception about the hospital. and react negatively to prolonged hospitalization because some of them believed hospitals are places for people to avoid because hospital is a gateway of death and den of infection. Intervention that reduces hospital noise have been found to improve sleep and reduce elderly patient stress. Studies have shown that patients who sleep well in the hospital recover quickly. The study further revealed that the negative effects of prolong hospitalization on the chronically ill elderly patient can be evaded through mass education of family and care givers. Therefore, the effects of prolong hospitalization on the chronically ill elderly patients should be given its due attention so as to properly reduce the negative perception about the hospital and boost the health and well-being of the chronically ill elderly patient.



Chronically ill elderly, Elderly, Elderly patients, Hospitalization, Patient, Prolong hospitalization.


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