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Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Submission

It is essential to have electronic submission. Please submit the RTF or “Word” file attached to the mail on the following address: comp_journal@rediffmail.com of Department of Management Studies (DMS), IIT Delhi, Phone: 91-11-26591174. At the time of final submission, a brief profiles (100 words) along with digital passport size photographs (in JPEG format) of all the authors will be required.


The submission to paper to International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness (IJGBC) implies that the paper is original and not submitted elsewhere for publication. Copyright for e-published papers will be vested in the publisher, i.e. GIFT, and author should complete a standard publishing agreement. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce copyright material.


Papers will be published in English or Hindi and manuscripts must be submitted in those languages.

Reviewing Process

Each paper is reviewed by the editor and if it is judged relevant for publication, it is than sent to referees for double blind peer review. The papers are reviewed for relevance; focus on Global Business and Competitiveness, innovation, practical considerations, and quality of evidence, contribution, methodology, readability, and organization. Based on the recommendations of the referees, the editor then decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, to be revised or rejected.

Manuscript Requirements

Size: Research papers should be of 10-15 pages A4 size in single spacing in font size 12 of Times Roman. More details can be given in appendices.

Title: The title should be brief.

Format: The paper should have a cover page giving title, author’s name, complete address, telephone number, fax number, and email of the author. In case of coauthors, these details should also be provided for each co-author. Correspondence will be sent to the first named author unless otherwise indicated. The second page should contain the title and an abstract of 100-150 words. It should also include up to seven keywords about the paper. The second page should not include the author(s) name. The text of the paper should begin from the third page.

Headings: should be clearly defined, and numbered.

Footnotes: should be used only when absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers placed as superscript.

Text: The main text should be readable. The ideas proposed should preferably be supported by real life case examples from business situations.

Tables and Figures: All tables and figures should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Each table should have a brief Title written on the top of the table, and each figure should have a brief caption Written on the bottom of the figure.

References: References to other publications must be in standard style. That is shown within the text as the author’s name followed by a comma and year of publication, all in round brackets, e.g. (Nonaka and Ahmed, 2005). At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order must be given as follows:
For books: Surname, initials (year) title, publisher, place of publication. e.g. Collins J. C. and Porras J. I. (1994) Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, HarperCollins, NewYork.
For journals: Surname, initials, (year) title, journal, volume (number), pages. e.g. Volberda H.W. (1997) Building Flexible Organization for Fast Moving Markets, Long Range Planning, 30 (2), 169-183.


  • The paper is original, not already published anywhere else.

  • The title and headings are brief and specific.

  • The author(s) name and affiliation are given only on cover page.

  • Abstract (about 250 words) and keywords (6-8) are provided.

  • The paper incorporates innovative ideas/models in a practical framework.

  • Tables/Figures are properly placed and numbered with brief titles/captions.

  • References are in standard style.

  • Autobiographical notes and passport size photographs of all Authors are provided (in case of final submission).

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