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Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (The)
Year : 2019, Volume : 79, Issue : 3
First page : ( 614) Last page : ( 617)
Print ISSN : 0019-5200. Online ISSN : 0975-6906.
Article DOI : 10.31742/IJGPB.79.3.11

Genetics of Fusarium head blight resistance in three wheat genotypes

Kumar Satish, Saharan M. S.*, Panwar Vipin, Chatrath Ravish, Singh G. P.

ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal, 132 001, Haryana

*Corresponding author's e-mail: mssaharan7@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 14 November, 2019.


Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a global concern as recent outbreaks reported in Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. The disease has emerged as one of the most important plant diseases worldwide in 21st century. One of the major threats posed by FHB fungus is the mycotoxin production which is harmful to human and animal health. Development of disease resistant cultivars is the only effective method for managing the disease. Control of these pathogen/Fusarium spp. is also challenging due to limited sources of known resistance. The famous Chinese wheat cultivar Sumai 3 and Frontana are the main sources of resistance to this disease. For genetic analysis and incorporation of FHB resistance into recently released high yielding wheat cultivars, HD 2967 and DPW 621-50, crosses were made with Sumai 3, Frontana and Aldan. The F2 plants from the crosses HD 2967/Frontana (140), HD 2967/Aldan (150), HD 2967/Sumai 3 (169) and DPW 621-50/Sumai 3 (182) were screened for resistance under controlled conditions. Disease score was recorded to identify resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible plants. The genetic ratios for resistance to FHB indicated a complex nature of resistance in all the three donors.



Fusarium head blight, wheat, genetics, Aldan, Sumai 3, Frontana, HD2967, DPW 621-50.


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