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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 6
First page : ( 217) Last page : ( 220)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

Value Based Education

Dr. Singh Rupinder

Associate Professor PG Department of Commerce and Management Traishatabdi GGS Khalsa College Amritsar

Online published on 8 August, 2018.


Growth of India over the past decade and her emergence on the global scene as one of the major players in an important phenomenon. India a big country is still developing. A responsible education system has to play a major role in the development of India. We are a nation of 115 crores people and the quality of our human resources, perhaps one of the best in functional skills, is poor as far as soft skills are concerned. A student does not get the training for the good values and positive beliefs and attitudes either at home or at school. The culture for self management is non-existent in our schools and colleges. It is often seen that things, which have the most profound impact on our lives, are also the most neglected ones. Personality development is one such area. No one in our educational institutes is available to the students to counsel them on this vital aspect. Subject like self-concept, self analysis, understanding, recognition and use of strengths and control of weaknesses are not any part of formal and informal curriculum. It is high time our education system incorporates certain changes so that education should teach the students ‘how to think’ rather ‘what to think’. Policy makers should think of purpose or reason of education before force-feeding students with outdated inputs. The paper in hand considers the value based education system so as the formal education system may help students to develop positive beliefs and attitude in them and to become useful members of society.



Value based education, social responsibility, Curriculum.


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