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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 6
First page : ( 248) Last page : ( 253)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Mother Regarding Prevention of Home Accidents among Under 5years Children in Selected Hospital, Punjab

Sharma Surendra

Assist. Professor Amity College of Nursing Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana

Online published on 8 August, 2018.


A descriptive design with survey approach was undertaken to assess the knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents among under 5 years children in selected hospital, Punjab. Hundred mothers of under five year children were selected by purposive sampling technique and data were collected by using structure interview schedule on 22th june to 23th june 2012.

Findings reveals that most of the mothers (49%) were in the age group of 26–30 yrs, and 61% of them were housewives, 30% mothers having children of age group 4-5year, 57% Mothers have more male children, 65% mothers belongs to Nuclear family, 47% mothers belongs to >6 members in the family, 59% of mothers belongs to income group < 5000Rs., and 29% mothers were illiterate.

Average knowledge was found by 56% of mothers, whereas 32% had good knowledge, 7% had poor knowledge, 4% mothers had excellent knowledge and only 1% of mothers had very poor knowledge regarding prevention of home accidents. Overall mean score was 14.12 which was 70.6% of the total score revealing poor knowledge among mothers of under five year children.

The mean, mean percentage of the attitude assessment for both positive and negative responses among mothers of under five year children regarding prevention of home accidents shows that out of 100 maximum obtainable the mean scores for positive questions was 35.05 which is 87.62%, and the mean score for negative questions was 31.58 which is 90.22% good attitude among mothers of under five year children regarding prevention of home accidents.

Percentage distribution of mothers under five year children according to their Co-relation with knowledge and attitude, co-relation of knowledge and attitude for positive question response was 0.298 and co-relation of knowledge and attitude for negative question response was 0.160, regarding prevention of home accidents among under 5 years children.



Knowledge and attitude of mothers, prevention of home accidents, .


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