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Aim and Scope

International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology (IJRASB) is having e-ISSN: 2349-8889, bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November by Vandana Publications, Lucknow (U.P.), India since the year 2014. It is an academic, online, open access, peer reviewed international journal.

The Aim of The Journal is to:

  1. Disseminate original, scientific, theoretical or applied research in the field of applied sciences and biotechnology.
  2. Dispense a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component.
  3. Aqueduct the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research.
  4. Seek original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works for publication globally.
  5. Impart a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component.
  6. Create a bridge for a significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research.
  7. Solicit original and unpublished research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works.

International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology (IJRASB) cover topics of all applied sciences and biotechnology branches. Some of them are all Human Biology, Cell Biology and Biological Systems, Chemistry, Structural Biochemistry, Biological Chemistry, Plant Science, Animal Science, Microbiology, Protein Science, Molecular Genetics, Metabolism, Immunology, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Food Microbiology, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Botany, Micro-Biology, Zoology, Food Technology, Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiology and all interdisciplinary streams of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology. The main topic includes but not limited to:

Marine Biotechnology in the Food Domain

Pulsed Electric Fields in Biotechnology

Advances on Polymer Biotechnology

DNA polymerases in Biotechnology

Forest Genomics and Biotechnology

Enzymes in Industrial Biotechnology

Recent Advances of Epigenetics in Crop Biotechnology

Microalgae Biology and Biotechnology

Novel Insights into Algal Biology and Biotechnology

Biotechnology to Assure Quality and Safety of Seafood

Cellular Agriculture: Biotechnology for Sustainable Food

Marine Biotechnology, Revealing an Ocean of Opportunities

Micro biotechnology Tools for Wastewater Cleanup and Organic Solids Reduction

Petroleum Microbial Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects

Applications of Nanobiotechnology in Pharmacology

Human society development in connection with animal husbandry.

Hydroponics – future of agriculture.

Architecture as the mirror of changes society undergoes.

The evolution of pedagogical science throughout the ages.

Aquaculture vs. fishing – do we undergo the same evolution as in the case of hunt and animal husbandry?

Phinneas Gage as an example of personality change due to physical trauma.

The treatment of drug addiction in different periods of time.

Carl von Clausewitz as the founding father of war theory.

Influence of the latest developments in science on the military strategy and tactics.

Basic strategies of entering a foreign and culturally different market.

Influence of personal relationships on the management's efficiency.

The history of cases when lobotomy was used in medical treatment.

The history of veterinary medicine in Great Britain.

Great delusions medical science suffered from throughout history.

Gerardus Mercator and the history of his projection.

William Horatio Bates and his impact on Ophthalmology.

The perspectives of extraterrestrial engineering.

Medieval military engineering in the West and in the East.

Battle of Little Bighorn as the last victory of the Indians over the Whites.

Influence of psychological science on marketing principles.

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