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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 901) Last page : ( 909)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Self esteem and job satisfaction of selected tribal women entrepreneurs of Mizoram

Priya Y. Vijayalakshmi*, Dr. Bhavani R.**

*Associate Professor, Home Science and Part time research scholar, Queen Mary's College, Chennai, India

**The Head of the Department, Department of Geography Queen Mary's College, Chennai Nesia

Online published on 19 November, 2016.


Woman were the first humans to taste bondage, a slave even before slavery came into existence and educational backwardness is also a major reason of woman lagging behind men. Women have plunged into the field of entrepreneurship to achieve economic independence and they have found it effective in emerging social and economical role. With the changing role that women accepted over the past decade the role of entrepreneurship among women has gained considerable importance. In north east India the economic life has always been centered round traditional industries. As Mizoram has plenty of resources for these industries in the form of raw materials mostly from forest, agriculture and horticulture, women entrepreneurs had the opportunity to enter into these industries. Hence the present paper aims to highlight the self esteem and job satisfaction of selected tribal women entrepreneurs of Mizoram.

The primary aim of the study was to find out the socio economic profile, occupational profile, self esteem and job satisfaction of the selected tribal women entrepreneurs of Mizoram. Ex-post-facto research design cross sectional in nature was adopted for the present study. Using purposive sampling technique 120 tribal women entrepreneurs residing at Mizoram were selected for the study. The questionnaire method was adopted for the collection of data from the women subjects. Correlation and “t” test were used for the statistical analysis of data. The finding of the study revealed significant relationship among self esteem and job satisfaction of women entrepreneurs.



Self Esteem, Job satisfaction, Tribal women, Women Entrepreneurs, Mizoram.


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