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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 9
First page : ( 660) Last page : ( 665)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

The Biogas Potential Estimation towards Simantri Program in Bali

Muliarta I Nengah

Postgraduate Program-the University of Udayana in Bali

Online published on 25 October, 2016.


The utilization of livestock waste became a biogas was part of implementing the Simantri (Integrated Farming System) in Bali. Moreover, the Simantri targets in Bali was to produce 4F (Food, Feed, Fuel, and Fertilizer). The word Fuel defined was the biogas energy. The biogas availability would be an energy source for farmers in fulfilling the energy needs for cooking. The livestock processing and utilization, especially, the cattle as a part of the zero waste concept. It was an effort to minimize the occurrence of soil, water, and air pollution that could potentially interfere the animal and humans health itself. In one Simantri group, it usually has at least 21 cattle. If a cow produces a waste, about 10 kg per day, therefore, the manure potential in one day reaches 210 kg. If it was 1 kg of waste cattle produced a biogas energy potential of 0, 023 m3, then, in a day the Simantri could produce a biogas about 4.83 m3. Using the equality value that 1 m3 of biogas was equal to 0, 46 kg of LPG, so that, for 21 cows in one group, the Simantri could produce LPG about 2, 222 kg/day. The Simantri program still having some issues. The farmers and breeders were lazy in utilizing the biogas due to a houses distance. The biogas could not be distributed to more distant places because of limited capacity. It as well led not all Simantri participants’ involving the livestock waste to be a biogas. The next issue was a limited capacity in abiogas digester. Due to thelimited capacity digester and retention time caused the farmers and breeders tend to accumulate a waste. In fact, accumulating a waste will be an effect to environments like a soil, water, and air pollution.



Biogas, Simantri, Zero Waste, Livestock Waste, Renewable Energy.


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