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Aims and Scope

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathologyis a quarterly peer-reviewed journal officially published by the Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists (IAVP). The Journal aims to publish peer-reviewed original research papers, short communications, case reports, and reviews. The Journal also provide rapid publication in other formats, including editorials, review articles and other features on current topics, both contributed and solicited.

We accept manuscripts covering studies related to pathology including morbid anatomy, surgical pathology, clinical pathology, immunopathology, molecular pathology,patho-epidemiology, diagnostic cytopathology and haematology that advance basic and translational knowledge of the occurrence, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis, and mechanisms of animal and avian diseases.

Manuscript Categories. Original articlesshould not exceed 30 double-spaced typewritten pages, including tables, figures and references. Space limitations preclude the publication of excessive figures. References should be limited to 35. Manuscripts submitted as original articles that exceed these limits will be returned without review.

Short communications are intended to provide a forum for the rapid publication of timely and significant findings in brief. Manuscripts should be concise but definitive, and must not exceed 12 double-spaced typed pages and a maximum of four figures.

Case reports must provide new, interesting information or should be very rare and under reported cases. Significant observations based on new or developing technology will receive special consideration. Imaginative applications of established methods are also encouraged. Manuscripts must not exceed 8 double-spaced typewritten pages, including tables, figures and references. The number of references should be 10 or less, and the number of figures should be 4 or less.

Theses abstracts of the theses submitted to various universities of the country for award of M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in veterinary pathology discipline are regularly published in the journal in an effort to disseminate the research work undertaken by students in different parts of the country. Succinct summary of the thesis in about 500 words for M.V.Sc. and 800 words for Ph.D. work should be sent to the Chief Editor, incorporating clearly the title of the thesis, names of the student and guide/advisor, year of degree award and the name and address of the university.

Manuscripts submitted not conforming to above requirements will be returned without review.

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