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Year : 2022, Volume : 46, Issue : 1
First page : ( 43) Last page : ( 48)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758. Online ISSN : 0973-970X. Published online : 2022  28.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-970X.2022.00006.2

Ameliorative effect of quercetin and nano-quercetin against hematotoxicity and biochemical alterations induced by triazophos in rats

Suhas K.S.1, Vijapure Shubham1, Yadav Supriya2, Selvaraj Pavithra1, De Ujjwal Kumar2, Saminathan M.3, Kesavan M.1, Telang A.G.3,*

1Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2Division of Veterinary Medicine, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Address for Correspondence, Dr A.G. Telang, Toxicology Laboratory, Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis (CADRAD), Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh, India, E-mail: agtelang@gmail.com

Online Published on 28 July, 2022.

Received:  03  November,  2021; Accepted:  29  December,  2021.


The inadvertent use of pesticides in agriculture is leading to consumption of pesticide residues through food and water that is a matter of public health concern with toxico-pathological implications. We examined the effect of triazophos, an organophosphate insecticide on hematology and serum biochemical indices in Wistar rats. Further, the antioxidant flavonoid quercetin was utilized in its native and nano form to check for any protective effect against triazophos-induced toxicity. The Wistar rats were categorized into seven groups by random allotment. The control group rats orally received olive oil that was used as a vehicle. Triazophos was dosed by oral gavage to rats in two separate groups at 1/10th and 1/20th LD50 doses. Two other groups of rats orally received quercetin and nano-quercetin at 50 mg/kg body weight. Further, quercetin and nano-quercetin were co-administered with high dose triazophos (1/10th LD50) in two more groups. The hematological and serum biochemical analysis were performed at the end of 60 days exposure period. Triazophos treatment significantly increased WBC and lymphocyte numbers, but a decrease was noticed in platelet numbers. Other hematological indices did not differ from control animals. The blood glucose levels were markedly elevated by triazophos, whereas total protein, albumin, globulin, and A: G ratio did not vary compared to control rats. Quercetin and nano-quercetin protected the rats against sub-chronic toxicity of triazophos by normalizing the altered blood cell numbers and glucose levels. In conclusion, nano-quercetin offered a better ameliorative effect than native quercetin in our study, possibly because of higher bioavailability.



Hematotoxicity, Nano-quercetin, Quercetin, Serum biochemistry, Sub-chronic toxicity, Triazophos.



Insecticides, a class of pesticides, have been extensively used in farming to protect crops against insect pests1. Despite offering significant benefits of improved crop production, the over-use of pesticides has raised public health concerns globally. Irrational use of pesticides has resulted in environmental contamination and impaired ecosystem harmony by affecting non-target species2. Furthermore, pesticide residues are reaching the food chain of man and animals through agriculture products. The consumption of such pesticide residue-laden food is implicated in causing chronic and degenerative diseases in the long run3.

Triazophos is a widely used organophosphate insecticide in agriculture as a foliar spray against a wide variety of insect pests4. It is classified by the World Health Organisation as a highly hazardous pesticide (Class Ib) with an oral LD50 of 84 mg/kg body weight in rats5. The residues of triazophos present a threat to human life and have recently been reported in various foodstuffs6. Multiple studies have reported the toxic potential of triazophos on the liver, kidneys, and brain of rats by altering the oxidant-antioxidant balance7-9. However, the data on evaluating the effect of triazophos on hemato-biochemical parameters in rats is lacking and forms one of the objectives of our present study.

Quercetin is a naturally occurring dietary bioflavonoid present in fruits and vegetables10. It is known to exhibit anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, and anti-microbial properties, as demonstrated by various studies. Its free radical scavenging and metal chelating qualities offer benefits in various degenerative disorders11. Besides, it has also been shown to protect experimental animals from pesticide induced toxicity, including organophosphate insecticides12-13. Regardless of these advantages, the use of quercetin in clinical practice suffers a significant drawback because of its poor oral bioavailability. Various researchers have suggested nanosizing of quercetin to overcome pharmacokinetic issues14. Hence, our second objective focused on the comparative evaluation of the possible protective effect of quercetin and nano-quercetin against triazophos-induced hemato-biochemical alterations in Wistar rats at the end of 60 days exposure period.


Materials And Methods

Experimental Animals

Adult male Wistar rats weighing about 150-170g were procured from the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR), Lucknow. The animals were provided an adaptation time of 7 days in advance of the experimental protocol. All the procedures followed in our study complied with the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC). The animal trial was carried out in Toxicology Laboratory, CADRAD, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly for a period of 60 days.


The organophosphate insecticide triazophos (40% EC) was procured from Cheminova India Limited. Quercetin (>95% purity) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich. All other reagents, solvents, and chemicals used in the present investigation were of analytical grades.

Preparation of nano-quercetin

Nano-quercetin was prepared by evaporative precipitation of the nano-suspension method as described by Kakran and co-workers with some modifications15. The dried nano-quercetin was collected, characterised to confirm its nano structure and used in the animal trail.

Determination of oral LD50 of triazophos in male Wistar rats

The oral LD50 of triazophos suspended in olive oil as a vehicle was determined in male Wistar rats using the graphical method before starting the animal toxicity trial. A graph of log dose versus probits for mortality percentage was utilized, and the LD50 was found to be 76 mg/kg body weight. Thus, a triazophos dose of 7.6 mg/kg (1/10th LD50) and 3.8 mg/kg body weight (1/20th LD50) was used for the animal trial.

Experimental design

The adult male Wistar rats were distributed into seven groups with six animals each and dosed with different agents as presented in table 1. The control grouprats received only olive oil as a vehicle. The animals were orally gavaged for 60 days with triazophos, quercetin, and nano-quercetin, as shown in table 1. The dose of quercetin was selected as 50 mg/kg body weight based on the previous literature.12


At the end of 60 days exposure period, the rats were humanely sacrificed, and the blood was collected by cardiac puncture in sterile EDTA vials. The samples were processed immediately for a comprehensive hematological examination using a hematology autoanalyzer. The parameters were set for rat species, and the readings were recorded.

Serum biochemistry

A part of the collected blood at the time of sacrifice was utilized for analysis of serum biochemical parameters. Serum glucose, total protein, and albumin were determined spectrophotometrically using commercially available kits (Coral) following the manufacturer's instructions. The globulin levels were calculated, and the A: G ratio was determined as per standard protocols.

Statistical analysis

The data acquired were analyzed using Graph Pad Prism (version 5.3) software. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test was performed to compare the Mean ± SEM of different groups, and the significance was expressed at P<0.05.




The administration of triazophos for 60 days in male Wistar rats altered hematological parameters. The total leucocyte count was significantly increased in the high-dose triazophos group compared to the control, quercetin, and nano-quercetin groups. In a dose-dependent manner, leucocyte numbers were elevated by triazophos treatment (both 1/10th and 1/20th LD50 groups). Further, quercetin and nano-quercetin treatment with high-dose triazophos reversed the elevated leucocyte count by numerically decreasing it compared to triazophos treated animals. The reversal was significantly better with nano-quercetin in comparison to quercetin treatment. A similar trend was observed with lymphocyte counts with a significant difference between the high-dose triazophos group and control, quercetin, and nano-quercetin-treated rats. A statistically significant decrease in lymphocytes count was noticed by quercetin and nano-quercetin coadministration with triazophos. Granulocyte numbers were increased subtly with triazophos administration. However, their numbers did not differ significantly by the use of quercetin and nano-quercetin with triazophos. The high-dose triazophos decreased the platelet count, whereas the count improved with the administration of quercetin and nano-quercetin. The variations in the number of leucocytes, lymphocytes, platelets and other hematological parameters are compiled and shown in table 2.

Serum biochemistry

The rats dosed with triazophos showed a significant increase in serum glucose level compared to control, with the high dose group (1/10th LD50) showing a marked increase than the low dose (1/20th LD50) group. Further, oral gavaging of quercetin decreased the glucose level in serum non-significantly. However, nano-quercetin successfully reversed the elevated blood glucose level in the triazophos treated group rats in a statistically significant manner (P<0.05). The total protein, serum albumin, globulin, and A: G ratio did not show any considerable difference between control and triazophos treated rats, and the values are presented in table 3.



Hematological alteration serves as an essential marker in assessing the toxicity and pathological consequences of any chemical to animals or humans. The chemical may directly alter the cellular constituents of blood or indirectly interact with them through the production of reactive intermediates16. In the present investigation, triazophos treatment for 60 days noticeably raised the leucocyte count in a dose-dependent way. Quercetin and nano-quercetin reversed this triazophos-induced elevated leucocyte count. Similar to our findings, triazophos at sub-lethal concentration increased WBC count in Channa punctatus17. Nevertheless, in contrast to our results, triazophos-induced leucopenia was reported previously in Japanese quail18. The anti-inflammatory action of quercetin might be responsible for reversing the elevated leukocyte counts, as demonstrated by earlier workers19. Triazophos in our study increased the lymphocyte count in low and high-dose group rats that was brought back to nearly normal values by co-administration of quercetin and nano-quercetin with high dose triazophos. In agreement with our findings, the lymphocyte count was the most affected by triazophos in C. punctatus17. Ghaffar and co-workers also recorded elevated lymphocyte counts in triazophos treated birds at different intervals and doses used in that particular study18. However, in a study with buffalo calves, significant lymphocytopenia was reported by triazophos oral dosing for 21 days20. In a recent investigation, low doses of malathion, an organophosphate similar to triazophos, induced proliferation of human lymphocytes without causing cytotoxicity. Malathion upregulated specific genes responsible for lymphocyte multiplication21. A similar type of gene regulation might be responsible for the elevated lymphocyte count in our study with triazophos.

Further, quercetin is an antioxidant flavonoid with an established free radical scavenging property. It decreases the overall oxidative stress and protects the cell against DNA damage due to reactive oxygen species. In human lymphocytes, quercetin successfully prevented the chemically induced DNA damage and protected lymphocytes from a proliferative response to exhibit anti-carcinogenic properties22.A comparable protective effect of quercetin might be the reason for reversing elevated lymphocyte count with triazophos in our study.

We encountered a decrease in platelet count in a dose-dependent manner with the administration of triazophos at 1/10th LD50 and 1/20th LD50 in rats. Besides, quercetin and nano-quercetin dosing protected the rats against the triazophos-induced drop in platelet count. The literature relating the effect of triazophos exposure and platelet count is limited. Quercetin exhibited platelet-enhancing properties in rats exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)23. In another study, quercetin ameliorated the decreased platelet count seen with carbendazim fungicide administration in rats24. Other hematological parameters like total erythrocyte count, hemoglobin levels, and hematocrit values did not differ significantly between triazophos treated and control rats. Contrastingly, triazophos administration in Japanese quails led to hypochromic anemia characterized by decreased RBC count, hemoglobin levels, and MCHC.18 It also significantly decreased the erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin levels, MCHC, MCV, and PCV in C. punctatus17. The work with triazophos in buffaloes revealed no significant change in ESR or PCV at both doses employed, and hemoglobin levels did not change at a low dose compared to control buffaloes20. This varying response in hematology with triazophos in different species is a matter of consideration for further research.

Our findings revealed no significant differences in the levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, or A: G ratio between control group rats and other groups. In freshwater fish, Labeo rohita, triazophos treatment at sub-lethal concentrations significantly decreased serum protein levels25. The dissimilarity in results could be because of the differences in the dose of triazophos and species tested. Triazophos treatment in our work significantly elevated the blood glucose levels of rats compared to control rats. Nano-quercetin and quercetin dosing considerably brought back the elevated glucose levels to normal in triazophos treated rats. Our data regarding triazophos treatment agrees with a study in White leghorn cockerels, where glucose levels were elevated with triazophos administration. Further, the surge in glucose levels was normalized using cow urine distillate in the study with White leghorn cockerels26. Triazophos also increased the glucose content of Nilaparvata lugens insects by altering the glycometabolism in these species27. Nevertheless, contrary to our findings, triazophos administered orally at 1/500th LD50 and 1/50th LD50 dose for 24 weeks in rats significantly increased insulin sensitivity and decreased glucose levels28. Also, triazophos treatment in Perna viridis (sea mussel) altered energy metabolism in ovaries and testes by decreasing the glucose levels in gonads29. The anti-diabetic and glucose-reducing ability of quercetin is well established through various studies30. Quercetin alleviated imidacloprid-induced hyperglycemia in rats and protected them against the biochemical toxicity of the pesticide31. Quercetin acts through various targets in the small intestine, liver, pancreas, skeletal muscles, and adipose tissue and regulates glucose metabolism in the body, as demonstrated by the previous studies32.

In our study, nano-quercetin showed better efficacy than quercetin in reversing the hemato-biochemical alterations produced by triazophos. This can be attributed to the increased bio-availability of nano-quercetin as compared to quercetin in its native form. In agreement, previous studies with nanoformulations of quercetin have also demonstrated a more significant protective effect than quercetin against chemical toxicities in various systems33-34.



The oral LD50 of triazophos as determined in our laboratory using male Wistar rats was found to be 76 mg/kg body weight. Treatment of rats for 60 days at 1/10th LD50 and 1/20th LD50 of triazophos produced hemato-biochemical toxicity. Triazophos treatment significantly elevated the total leukocyte count and lymphocyte counts, accompanied by a marked decrease in platelet count and blood glucose levels. Co-administration of quercetin and nano-quercetin with high-dose triazophos reversed the altered hemato-biochemical parameters. Nano-quercetin was more effective than quercetin in protecting against the toxic effects of triazophos, possibly due to an improved pharmacokinetic profile.



Table 1.:

Study design and grouping of rats.

Group (n=6)TreatmentDose
IControl (Vehicle)0.5 ml/100 g
IITriazophos (high dose)1/10th LD50 (7.6 mg/kg)
IIITriazophos (low dose)1/20th LD50 (3.8 mg/kg)
IVQuercetin50 mg/kg
VTriazophos (high dose) + quercetin1/10th LD50 (7.6 mg/kg) triazophos + 50 mg/kg quercetin
VINano-quercetin50 mg/kg
VIITriazophos (high dose) + nano-quercetin1/10th LD50 (7.6 mg/kg) triazophos + 50 mg/kg nano-quercetin


Table 2.:

Hematological profile of rats at the end of 60 day exposure period.

(n=6)Control1/10 LD501/20 LD50QuercetinQ+1/10Nano QNQ+1/10
WBC (103/ul)9.650±0.366715.90***±0.517012.67±0.49789.050±1.19412.98±0.494910.26±0.755312.22##±0.6156
Lymphocyte (103/ul)4.200±0.18267.350***±0.10885.900**±0.37244.150±0.53965.300###±0.20173.967±0.33735.267###±0.1382
Granulocyte (103/ul)5.300±0.19667.450±0.49636.550±0.17036.533±1.1567.733±0.58235.433±0.32937.300±0.3795
RBC (106/uL)8.655±0.13848.650±0.10098.653±0.20427.788±0.45278.183±0.10318.738±0.16958.615±0.1413
Hemoglobin (g/dL)14.63±0.176414.77±0.0954514.78±0.149313.57±0.736514.13±0.133314.92±0.208814.85±0.1708
Hematocrit %51.10±0.309850.85±0.354751.85±0.864449.42±1.90550.17±0.532753.40±0.507352.55±0.7663
MCV (fL)59.15±0.708959.22±0.852258.68±0.241460.00±0.481060.15±0.0846660.82±0.275060.95±0.6402
MCH (pg)16.92±0.104617.03±0.244516.67±0.114516.52±0.250917.17±0.122917.02±0.0945717.18±0.1249
MCHC (g/L)287.0±2.206288.0±1.844286.2±2.613277.2±3.928287.2±1.887280.2±1.515281.5±3.314
RDW-CV %16.57±0.128215.83±0.240416.08±0.155815.98±0.113816.40±0.285215.92±0.241416.28±0.1302
RDW-SD (um3)31.40±0.540429.65±0.291829.62±0.311430.25±0.453731.43±0.503830.68±0.473631.47±0.4863
Platelet (103/Ul)641.3±17.39411.3*±29.88592.5±54.79651.0±79.08611.3±65.23636.2±35.02632.0#±19.24
MPV (fL)10.05±0.268010.27±0.111610.43±0.192610.47±0.170610.45±0.192810.47±0.117410.53±0.2092
PCT %0.6417±0.052770.5615±0.067650.6563±0.068170.7142±0.097420.6570±0.073020.6740±0.040390.6822±0.02139
P-LCC (103/Ul)238.7±25.22211.8±22.65270.2±27.64282.3±40.46283.0±32.09270.8±13.43281.0±6.693
P-LCR %37.90±1.62940.48±1.10343.05±1.79040.78±1.42543.38±1.28641.78±0.845143.48±1.236

Values (Mean±SEM, n=6) bearing superscripts are significantly different in Tukey’s multiple comparison test.

Comparison with the control group and 1/10th LD50 group are shown by * and #, respectively.

The number of superscripts indicates the level of significance. P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.001 are represented by one, two, and three superscripts, respectively.


Table 3.:

Serum biochemical profile of rats at the end of 60 day exposure period.

n=6Control1/10 LD501/20 LD50QuercetinQ+1/10Nano QNQ+1/10
Glucose (mg/dL)114.3±9.622151.6**±6.609137.5±3.613124.9±7.271128.6±3.32199.08±5.063116.4##±1.874
Total protein (mg/dL)7.383±0.19007.357±0.13817.737±0.10637.343±0.16477.562±0.18557.458±0.12867.440±0.1510
Albumin (mg/dL)4.693±0.23774.628±0.13454.540±0.15474.102±0.13934.088±0.092354.080±0.12534.205±0.06571
Globulin (mg/dL)2.418±0.25242.707±0.25233.188±0.13163.245±0.19843.210±0.19843.268±0.12313.213±0.1463
A: G ratio2.132±0.41111.894±0.29131.452±0.092181.255±0.061521.262±0.090341.260±0.028521.307±0.05352

Values (Mean±SEM, n=6) bearing superscripts are significantly different in Tukey’s multiple comparison test.

Comparison with the control group and 1/10th LD50 group are shown by * and #, respectively.

The number of superscripts indicates the level of significance. P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.001 are represented by one, two, and three superscripts, respectively.



The first author is thankful to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for providing funding in the form of research fellowship (ICMR-JRF). The authors are also thankful to the Director, IVRI, for providing the necessary support during the study.





































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