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Year : 2022, Volume : 46, Issue : 4
First page : ( 311) Last page : ( 321)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758. Online ISSN : 0973-970X. Published online : 2022  03.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-970X.2022.00053.0

Studies on hematological, serum biochemical and antioxidant effects in carbendazim induced toxicity and its amelioration with vitamin E in female chicken

Kiran K. Usha, Kumar A. Anand*, Srilatha C.1, Sreedevi B.2

Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati-517 502, Andhra Pradesh, India

1Professor & University Head, Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Proddatur

2Associate Dean, NTR CVSc., Gannavaram

*Address for Correspondence: Dr A. Anand Kumar, Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati-517 502, Andhra Pradesh, India, E-mail: 7aakumar@gmail.com

Online Published on 03 February, 2023.

Received:  4  April,  2022; Accepted:  3  November,  2022.


A total of 150 female chicks were randomly divided into six groups, maintained in ambient conditions with adlibitum normal feed and water. The experiment was carried out from 6th week to 12 weeks of age for 42 days. Group I (control) was fed with normal feed, group II and III with carbandazim (CBZ) @ 25 and 50 mg/kg BW respectively, group IV and V received CBZ @ 25 and 50 mg/kg BW respectively along with vitamin E @ 25 IU/kg of feed and group VI was fed with vitamin E @ 25 IU/kg of feed. Clinical signs such as dullness, decreased feed and water intake were observed in experimental groups. The haematological parameters in CBZ treated group III at higher dose revealed significant decrease in haemoglobin, total erythrocytes count and total leukocytes count. The serum biochemical parameters showed significant decrease in total protein, albumin and significant increase in the triglycerides, total cholesterol, SGPT and SGOT in CBZ treated groups. Significant decrease in the activities of CAT, SOD and GST of liver and kidney was observed in CBZ treated groups at higher dose. The study indicated that in amelioration groups slight improvement was noticed in comparison to CBZ treated groups in haematological, biochemical and antioxidant parameters. Thus, indicating the partial amelioration effect of vitamin E against Carbendazim toxicity.



Biochemical, Carbendazim, Haematological, Vitamin E.



The environmental pollution plays a key role in the occurrence of many diseases affecting plants, animals and humans. Irrational use of pesticides results in environmental pollution. In agriculture and veterinary practices, pesticides are used in the form of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. One such group of pesticides is fungicides, which acts on the fungal pathogens. Among the fungicides, the most commonly used ones are Carbendazim belonging to benzimidazole family. Carbendazim which is widely used broad spectrum fungicide, to control fungi on various food crops, vegetables, fruits, cereals, ornamental plants and medicinal herbs in pre- and post- harvest treatment1,2. The European Commission has categorized Carbendazim into their priority list as one among the endocrine disrupting chemicals3 and 4categorized Carbendazim as hazardous chemical. In India, it is one among the top five pesticides with an annual consumption of 1992 metric tonnes5 and it stands in second position after mancozeb in terms of most consumed carbamates. Inhalation, dietary intake and dermal contact were acting as the common routes of exposure of Carbendazim in birds6. Vitamin E acts as potential scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and plays a protective role against the pesticide toxicity and showing its antioxidant property. 7reported that Carbendazim induces oxidative stress leading to the generation of free radicals and alteration in antioxidant or oxygen free radical scavenging enzymes in rats and also reported the amelioration effect of vitamin E against Carbendazim8.


Materials and Methods

Day old female chicks were procured and maintained in the deep litter system. The chicks were vaccinated as per the standard schedule and maintained in ambient conditions with adlibitum normal feed and water for acclimatisation. The experiment was carried out from 6th week to 12 weeks of age for 42 days with prior approval of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee [(IAEC), reference number: 281/go/ReBi/S/2000/CPCSEA/CVSc/TPTY/14/pathology/2021]. At the beginning of 6th week birds were randomly divided into 6 groups.

The experimental birds were observed daily for exhibition of clinical signs if any during the entire period of experiment. They were sacrificed, at fortnight intervals. The blood samples were collected in EDTA and clot activating vials for haematological and serum biochemical parameters respectively. Haemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV) were estimated by Sahli’s acid haematin method and micro-haematocrit method respectively whereas, total erythrocytes count (TEC) and total leukocytes counts (TLC) were measured by Nambiar’s method9,10. For serum biochemical analysis of total protein, albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, SGPT and SGOT Excel biochemical kits were used.

Approximately 5 g of liver and kidney pieces were collected at each slaughter of birds separately in chilled phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) and stored at -20°C for antioxidant assay. The collected tissues were blotted to dry, thawed and homogenized at 4°C in 3 volumes of 0. 25 M sucrose containing 0.07M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), 10mM EDTA and 0.1% TritonX-100. The, post mitochondrial supernatant was prepared by centrifugation at 12 000 x G, for 15 min at 4°C and used immediately for measuring the enzyme activities. Total protein estimation was carried out according to the modified method described by using Folinphenol reagent11 and was used in the assay of Catalase, Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) antioxidant assay in liver and kidney in the present study. The activity of catalase was carried out by following the protocol mentioned12. All the data generated for various parameters were subjected to statistical analysis13,14 by applying one-way ANOVA by using SPSS (22nd Version) differences between means tested and significance level was set at P<0.05.

The representative tissue samples of liver, kidney were collected and given cuts at different places for proper fixation by changing with fresh l0% neutral buffered formalin (NBF). Further, the tissues were trimmed into small size sections and kept overnight under running tap water for washing. Then the tissues were subjected to dehydration in ascending grades of alcohol and cleared in xylol and further transferred to paraffin for embedding. Paraffin blocks were prepared and 5µ size sections were cut by rotatory microtome. The sections were lifted on clear, grease free slides and kept overnight for drying. Sections were stained by using routine Hematoxylin and Eosin staining method15.



Clinical Signs

Clinical signs such as dullness, decreased feed intake and water intake were observed in the birds of experimental group exposed to Carbendazim toxicity during the entire period of experiment.

Haematoloical Parameters

Means (±SE) of haemoglobin (Hb), TEC and TLC concentration showed non-significant decrease by the end of 8th and 10th week and significant decrease was noticed at the end of 12th week in the groups II, III, IV and V, however the reduction in the means of groups IV and V was comparatively less on comparison with CBZ treated groups. No significant differences were observed in the means of PCV during the entire experimental period (Table 1, Figs. 1-3).

Serum Biochemical Parameters

In CBZ treated groups, the concentration of serum total protein and albumin showed significant decrease by the end of 10th and 12th week. The triglycerides concentration in the serum was increased significantly by the end of 12th week and significant increase in the concentration of total cholesterol was observed in the serum at the end of 10th and 12th week of experiment. The activity of the serum enzymes ALT and AST were significantly increased by the end of 12th week (Table 2, Figs. 4-8).

Antioxidant Profile

The activity of catalase in the liver and kidney showed non-significant decrease at the end of 8th week but significant decrease at the end of 10th and 12th week. The activities of SOD and GST in the liver and kidney showed significant decrease at the end of 10th and 12th week. In the amelioration groups non-significant increase in the mean values of catalase, SOD and GST was observed in both liver almost at the end of 12th week and in kidney at the end of 10th week onwards in (Table 3, Figs. 9-14).

Gross and Histopathology

Paleness and fragility in liver at the end of 10th week and more intensified by the end of 12th week was observed grossly and histopathologically, liver showed mild to moderate congestion of the central vein, mononuclear cell infiltration predominantly lymphocytes, fibrous connective tissue proliferation around the central vein, mild to moderate sinusoidal congestion and mild degenerative changes in the hepatocytes in CBZ treated groups at the end of 8th wk were noticed. At 10th wk moderate to severe changes with hyperplasia with deposition of hemosiderin pigment, fibrous connective tissue proliferation around the central vein, few hepatocytes with micro vesicular vacuoles in their cytoplasm, acinar pattern of hepatocytes and pyknotic nucleus were noted. At the end of 12th wk, lesions were severe, presence of lymphoid aggregates, MNC infiltration predominantly lymphocytes, focal areas of mid-zonal necrosis, bile ductular epithelial hyperplasia, fibrous connective tissue proliferation, condensed nucleus and moderate micro vesicular vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes were recorded. Kidney section revealed few haemorrhages in between the renal tubules, mild to moderate degenerative changes in the renal tubular epithelium and epithelial desquamation of the distal convoluted tubules (DCT) of CBZ groups at the end of 8th wk and at 10th week DCT with condensed nucleus and desquamation of the renal tubular epithelium from the basement membrane, MNC infiltration predominantly lymphocytes in between in the renal tubules and mild inter-tubular haemorrhages were noticed. CBZ treated groups exhibited severe degenerative changes in the PCT and DCT renal tubules, pyknotic nucleus, focal areas of moderate to severe necrosis, sloughing off the renal tubular epithelium, occlusion of the tubular lumen, more haemorrhagic and MNC infiltration predominantly lymphocytes in between in the renal tubules and increase in the glomerular tuft with mesangial cell proliferation at the end of 12th wk.



The birds in the experimental groups exhibited dullness, decreased feed intake and water intake within few hours after exposure to Carbendazim in 8,10 and 12 weeks of age. These alterations in the behaviour of experimental group birds might be due to toxic effect of Carbendazim. The decrease in the concentration of the haemoglobin might be due to the decrease in the total erythrocytes count (TEC) because of the effect of Carbendazim which inhibit haematopoiesis by interfering with mitotic division. The results are in accordance with16,17 in Japanese quails and in laboratory mammals18-20. The decrease in the TEC count might be due to increase in the destruction of RBC or decrease in the erythropoiesis activity by interfering with the mitotic division during hemopoiesis. The reports in Japanese quails16,17 and in laboratory mammals18-22 were in accordance with the above results. The alteration in PCV though observed but not significantly might be due to water loss or dehydration depending on the extent. The decrease in TLC count in the CBZ exposed groups indicates the immunosuppressive effect of Carbendazim. The results are in accordance with reports of23,24 in Japanese quails and in laboratory mammals21,25,26.

The significant decrease in the concentration of the serum total protein and albumin in CBZ exposed groups was due to indirect effect of Carbendazim on plasma protein i.e., CBZ affects the DNA synthesis by interfering with metabolic activities involving purine leading to inhibition of DNA synthesis resulting in disruption of mRNA transcription and in turn inhibit protein translation. As reported by6,16 in Japanese quails and by22,27 in laboratory mammals were in accordance with the results of present study.

The increase in the concentration of triglycerides in the serum of CBZ treated groups might be due to vital interactions between the micronutrients, nutritional factors with Carbendazim or hepatic damage evidenced histologically, serum enzymes and antioxidant parameters of the present study. The reports are in accordance to results of28 in Japanese quails and in laboratory mammals19,27,29.

The increase in the levels of serum total cholesterol in CBZ treated groups is due to stimulation of catecholamine in turn leads to lipolysis and increase in fatty acids production which was evidenced in the gross and histological alterations in liver30, serum biochemical and antioxidant parameters of the present study. Results were in accordance with the reports in Japanese quails24 and in laboratory mammals22,25,27,29.

The elevated SGOT and SGPT are indicators of hepatocellular damage and dysfunction which in turn increases the cell membrane permeability to transaminases. The reports were in accordance with the results in Japanese quails23,24,33 and in laboratory mammals18-20,26-27,29,31-32.

The decrease in the activity of the catalase indicates the reduced peroxisomes and affects the catabolism of long chain fatty acids and reactive oxygen species especially hydrogen peroxide. These results were supported by serum biochemical parameters and are in agreement with the results stated in Japanese quails23,24,33 and in laboratory mammals by7,20,34. The slight improvement was noticed in the amelioration groups in comparison with CBZ treated groups at the end of 12th week in both liver and kidney indicated the amelioration effect of vitamin E against CBZ toxicity7,23. The SOD enzyme ensures the protection from toxic action of reactive oxygen species (nascent oxygen, hydrogen peroxide) and decrease in the SOD activity suggests an increased superoxide radical production supported by serum biochemical parameters. The results are in accordance with reports of23,24,33 in Japanese quails and in laboratory mammals by7,20,34. In amelioration groups, slight increase in the SOD activity on comparison with CBZ treated groups by the end of 8th, 10th and 12th week were in agreement with studies of 7,23.

GST protects cellular macromolecules against noxious chemicals and oxidative damage by conjugating toxic electrophilic molecules. Thus, the decrease in the GST activity of liver and kidney indicates inhibition of GST-mediated detoxification process in the CBZ treated groups supported by serum biochemical parameters7,23,24. The slight improvement in the amelioration groups was observed in comparison to the CBZ groups were also reported by7,23.

The findings of the present study indicated that CBZ at higher dose showed significant changes in haematological and serum biochemical parameters and antioxidant profile. The co-administration of vitamin E showed partial amelioration against CBZ toxicity.

Kiran, K.U., Kumar, A.A., Srilatha, C. and Sreedevi, B. 2022. Studies on hematological, serum biochemical and antioxidant effects in Carbendazim induced toxicity and its amelioration with Vitamin E in female chicken. Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 46(4) : 311-321.



Fig. 1.:

Mean (±SE) values of Haemoglobin concentration (g %) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 2.:

Mean (±SE) values of Total erythrocytes count (x 106/µL) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 3.:

Mean (±SE) values of Total leukocytes count (x 103/µL) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 4.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum Total protein levels (gm %) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 5.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum Triglycerides levels (mM/L) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 6.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum Total cholesterol levels (mg %) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 7.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum alanine aminotransferase (U/L) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 8.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum aspartate aminotransferase (U/L) in birds of experimental groups.


Fig. 9.:

Mean (±SE) values of Superoxide dismutase activity (Units/mg protein) in liver of birds in experimental groups.


Fig. 10.:

Mean (±SE) values of glutathione S-transferase activity (Units/mg protein) in liver of birds in experimental groups.


Fig. 11.:

Mean (±SE) values of Superoxide dismutase activity (Units/mg protein) in kidney of birds in experimental groups.


Fig. 12.:

Mean (±SE) values of glutathione S-transferase activity (Units/mg protein) in kidney of birds in experimental groups.




GroupsDetailsNumber of birdsDose & route of administration
IControl25Normal feed and water
IICarbendazim-I2525 mg/kg BW diet-daily-orally
IIICarbendazim-II2550 mg/kg BW diet-daily-orally
IVCarbendazim-I + Vitamin E2525 mg/kg BW + 25 IU/kg of diet-daily-orally
VCarbendazim-II + Vitamin E2550 mg/kg BW + 25 IU/kg of diet-daily-orally
VIVitamin E2525 IU/kg of diet-daily-orally


Table 1.:

Mean (±SE) values of Haemoglobin concentration (g %), Packed Cell Volume levels (%), Total erythrocyte count (×106/µL), Total leukocyte count (×103/µL) in birds of experimental groups.

Treatment GroupsHaemoglobin concentration (g%)Packed Cell Volume levels (%)Total erythrocytes count (×106/µL)Total leukocytes count (×103/µL)
Age in weeks
Group I10.72±0.0910.40±0.0811.26±0.16b32.50±0.2232.50±0.6732.16±0.102.50±0.082.30±0.092.70±0.05c30.13±0.0229.55±1.99b30.10±0.04c
Group II9.82±0.2011.36±0.0910.68±0.35ab30.43±0.3231.61±1.4330.50±0.882.31±0.252.18±0.052.21±0.08b28.23±0.0727.21±1.59ab24.16±0.16b
Group III9.61±0.2411.13±0.1710.23±0.16a30.83±1.6631.11±1.0429.73±0.542.10±0.052.15±0.111.83±0.03a27.17±0.1123.13±2.72a20.16±0.16a
Group IV9.53±0.3310.46±0.1810.73±0.28ab31.83±1.4032.83±0.8732.00±0.572.20±0.112.11±0.042.33±0.03b28.37±2.5826.76±0.76ab26.16±0.16c
Group V10.36±0.2411.76±0.8610.30±0.15a33.50±1.0530.15±1.0830.83±0.792.16±0.042.21±0.012.16±0.06b26.05±2024.86±0.77ab24.16±0.16b
Group VI10.96±0.3811.5±0.1910.70±0.15ab32.00±0.5731.9±1.1130.50±0.882.53±0.112.41±0.012.6±0.09c29.23±2.5629.61±0.49b30.16±0.16c

indicate significant difference among groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI (P < 0.05)


Table 2.:

Mean (±SE) values of serum Total protein levels (gm %), serum Albumin levels (gm %), serum Triglycerides levels (mM/L), serum Total cholesterol levels (mg %), serum alanine aminotransferase (U/L), aspartate aminotransferase (U/L) in birds of experimental groups.

Treatment GroupsTotal protein levels (gm %)serum Albumin levels (gm %)serum Triglycerides levels (mM/L)serum Total cholesterol levels (mg %)serum alanine aminotransferase (U/L)Aspartate aminotransferase (U/L)
Age in weeks
Group I6.950±0.087.13±0.03b7.10±0.00c2.15±0.122.14±0.03b2.26±0.18c83.56±1.7282.22±2.1283.13±0.08bc72.29±1.4172.13±0.95a74.26±0.93a5.88±0.515.98±0.265.96±0.02a219.51±1.21219.53±0.40220.36±0.11a
Group II6.91±0.016.74±0.02ab6.89±0.05ab2.07±0.011.82±0.07ab1.81±0.05ab82.23±0.8482.41±1.1384.10±0.15c73.22±1.5773.26±0.21ab76.34±0.17b5.92±0.036.37±0.476.69±0.09c219.75±1.46221.53±0.04224.74±0.03b
Group III6.82±0.076.48±0.27a6.81±0.04a1.86±0.091.57±0.12a1.51±0.00a84.78±1.1583.52±1.7586.33±0.33d74.90±2.8077.23±0.11b79.41±0.20c6.64±0.157.16±0.367.21±0.10d223.37±0.66227.17±4.33230.00±0.00c
Group IV6.96±0.186.92±0.01b6.94±0.00b2.0±0.061.93±0.10ab1.84±0.01b82.62±3.4581.52±0.6381.21±0.69a73.12±1.5472.47±1.04a73.41±0.20a5.86±0.046.14±0.546.11±0.06a219.59±1.21220.73±1.27220.73±0.55a
Group V6.92±0.016.85±0.10ab6.82±0.02a1.95±0.091.80±0.20ab1.54±0.12a83.52±1.7583.29±0.2982.31±0.17ab74.29±1.9875.66±1.18ab74.62±0.84ab6.22±0.096.27±0.096.43±0.08b220.47±0.65224.74±1.22225.06±0.75b
Group VI6.89±0.017.11±0.00b7.15±0.01c2.20±0.282.15±0.01b2.23±0.00c83.46±1.6983.78±1.5183.43±0.16bc72.78±1.4972.70±1.18a73.34±0.17a5.98±0.085.84±0.036.07±0.03a219.49±1.16218.71±1.18221.38±0.36a

indicate significant difference among groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI (P < 0.05)


Table 3.:

Mean (±SE) values of Catalase activity (Units/mg protein), Superoxide dismutase activity (Units/mg protein), glutathione S-transferase activity (Units/mg protein) in liver and kidney of birds in experimental groups.

Treatment GroupsCatalase activity (Units/mg protein)Superoxide dismutase activity (Units/mg protein)glutathione S-transferase activity (Units/mg protein)Catalase activity (Units/mg protein)Superoxide dismutase activity (Units/mg protein)glutathione S-transferase activity (Units/mg protein)
Age in weeks
Group I0.75±0.010.73±0.010.75±0.01c17.73±0.2317.83±0.23b17.93±0.02d2.88±0.062.84±0.03d2.88±0.02c0.58±0.020.59±0.00c0.59±0.01c15.56±0.03b15.70±0.11b15.61±0.07c2.29±0.102.27±0.03d2.29±0.01c
Group II0.73±0.020.69±0.040.62±0.02ab17.36±0.2917.18±0.14a16.33±0.03b2.82±0.012.63±0.07bc1.75±0.08ab0.53±0.020.51±0.01b0.41±0.02a15.24±0.05b15.11±0.02a14.90±0.10b2.13±0.052.07±0.03b1.80±0.00ab
Group III0.68±0.020.63±0.010.57±0.03a16.94±0.2716.93±0.08a15.72±0.13a2.76±0.062.17±0.02a1.54±0.20a0.47±0.020.45±0.00a0.43±0.01a15.03±0.03b14.96±0.03a14.63±0.03a2.06±0.041.90±0.00a1.60±0.00a
Group IV0.72±0.020.71±0.020.68±0.01b17.50±0.1017.32±0.18a16.82±0.04c2.85±0.022.73±0.02c2.02±0.01b0.54±0.040.54±0.01b0.50±0.00b15.26±0.03b15.11±0.26a15.00±0.00b2.14±0.032.11±0.04c2.06±0.06bc
Group V0.71±0.010.69±0.020.64±0.01ab17.21±0.0717.01±0.04a16.41±0.18b2.82±0.002.57±0.02b1.95±0.04b0.51±0.000.51±0.02b0.49±0.00b15.20±0.02b15.06±0.00a14.90±0.00b2.11±0.012.00±0.00ab1.82±0.02ab
Group VI0.76±0.010.72±0.010.76±0.01c17.73±0.0517.92±0.03b17.83±0.03d2.86±0.022.89±0.02d2.92±0.03c0.57±0.040.59±0.01c0.60±0.00c15.30±0.19ab15.64±0.05b15.71±0.05c2.22±0.142.29±0.05d2.74±0.25d

indicate significant difference among groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI (P < 0.05)



The authors are thankful to the authorities of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati for providing the facilities to carry out the work.





































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