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Year : 2023, Volume : 32, Issue : 2
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 37)
Print ISSN : 0971-4251. Online ISSN : 0974-0171. Published online : 2023  27.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-0171.2023.00015.6

One Health Approach to Study AMR Pattern of Escherichia coli and other Microorganisms from Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Humans

Chauhan Shivani, Verma Rishendra1,*, Srivastava Alok2

1Professor of Eminence, Department of Microbiology, Maharma Jyoti Phule Rohilkhand Vishwavidyalay, Bareilly-243006 (Uttar Pradesh)

2Head, Department of Microbiology, Maharma Jyoti Phule Rohilkhand Vishwavidyalay, Bareilly-243006 (Uttar Pradesh)

*Correspondence: rishendra_verma@yahoo.com

Online Published on 27 September, 2024.

Received:  09  November,  2023; Accepted:  19  December,  2023.


A total no. of 71 urine samples were processed. 26 (61.90%) isolates were confirmed as E. coli by Gram's staining, cultural characters on McConkey Lactose Agaar, Nutrient agar, XLD agar, CLED agar and Blood agar and biochemical tests including IMVIc, Urease, Catalase, Oxidase, Triple Sugar Iron. The samples comprised 33 males and 38 females. The isolation rate in urine samples was higher in females in comparison to males. E. coli was isolated from 12 males and 14 females. The other microorganism isolated were Klebseilla, Enterobacter, Stpahylococcus aureus Actinobacter and Candida albicans. We have tested E. coli, Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, Staph. aureus and Actinobacter spp. against 14 antibiotics namely Amoxyclav (Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid), Ampicillin, Azithromycin, Cefotaxime/ Clavulanic acid, Cefoxitin (Cephoxitin), Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin, Doxycycline Hydrochloride, Erythromycin, Gentamicin, MRP Meropenem, Nitrofurantoin, Penicillin-G, Tetracycline

In our study, sensitivity of 26 E. coli strains in decreasing order in this study was as follows: Nitrofurantoin 22/26 (84.6%)<Gentamycin 19/26 (73%), Meropenem 16/26 (61.53%)< Amoxyclav (Amoxicllin/Clavulanic acid) 16/26 (61.3%)<Choramphenicol 16/26 (61.3%)<Doxycycline 16/26 (61.3%), Tetracycline 14/26 (53%)< Cefoxitin<13/26 (50%)Erythormycin 14/26 (46%)<Clindamycin 12/26 (46.1%)<Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 8/26 (30%)<Ciprofloxacin 10/26 (38.4%), Ampicillin 9/26 (30.7%), Azithromycin 7/6 (26%). Resistance of 26 E. coli strains in decreasing order was as follows: Azithromycin 19/26 (73%)<Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 18/26 (69%)< Ampicillin 26/17 (65.3%)<Ciprofolxacin 16/26 (61.5%)< Clindamycin 14/26 (53.8%) Erythromycin 12/26 (53%)< Cefoxitin 13/26 (50%), Tetracycline 11/26 (42%), Doxycylcine 10/26 (38.4%), Chloramphenicol 10/26 (38.4%)< Amoxyclav (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 10/26 (38.4%)<Meropenem9/26 (34.6%). We found that E. coli strains were highly sensitive to Nitrofurantoin and highly resistant to Azithromycin followed by Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid and Ampicillin.

Sensitivity of Klebsiella spp to antibiotics in decreasing order was as follows: Gentamycin 4/5 (80%)<Tetracycline 4/5 (80%)<Erythromycin 3/5 (60%)< Cefoxitin 2/5 (40%)<Ciprofloxacin 2/5 (40%)<%)<Ampicillin 2/5 (40%)< Doxycyline 2/5 (40%)< Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 1/5 (20%)<Meropenem 1/5 (20%)< Amoxyclav (Amoxcillin/Clavulanic acid) 1/5 (20%)<Clindamycin 1/5 (20%)< Chloramphenicol 1/5 (20%), Azithromycin 1/5 (20%)<Nitrofurantoin 0%.

Kleibsella spp were sensitive to limited antibiotics like Gentamycon (80%), Tetracycline (60%) whereas resistant to Nitrofurantoin 5/5 (100%)<Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 4/5 (80%), Chloramphenicol 4/5(80%), Azithromycin 4/5(80%)<Cefoxitin 3/5(60%)<Ciprofloxacin 3/5(60%)<Ampicillin 3/5(60%)<Doxycyline 3/5 (60%). Resistance of Klebsiella spp to antibiotics in decreasing order was as follows: Nitrofurantoin 5/5 (100%)<Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 4/5 (80%), Chloramphenicol 4/5(80%), Azithromycin 4/5(80%)<Cefoxitin 3/5(60%)<Ciprofloxacin 3/5(60%)<Ampicillin 3/5(60%)<Doxycyline 3/5 (60%)<Gentamycin 1/5 (20%)< Tetracycline 1/5 (20%)<Erythromycin 2/5 (40%)<Meropenem 1/5 (20%)<Amoxyclav (Amoxcillin/Clavulanic acid) 1/5 (20%)<Clindamycin 1/5 (20%)

The results indicated that Kleibsella spp in our study were more resistant to various antibiotics. Our results were in conformity to Ballen et el., (2021) who have reported that K. pneumoniae strains isolated from urine samples had higher antimicrobial resistance, ESBL production, and biofilm-forming ability. Sensitivity of Enterobacter spp in decreasing order was as follows: Cefotaxime/ Clavulanic acid4/5 (80%), Ampicillin 4/5 (80%)< Ciprofloxacin 4/5 (80%) Tetracycline 4/5 (80%) <Meropenem 4/5 (80%), Cefoxitin 3/5 (60%), Gentamycin 3/5 (60%)< Amoxyclav (Amoxicilin/Clavulanic acid) 3/5 (60%)< Azithromycin 3/5 (60%), < Doxycycline 3/5 (60%)< and Erythromycin 3/5 (60%)< Nitrofurantoin 2/5 (40%)<Clindamycin 2/5 (40%)< Chloramphenico1/5 (20%). In our study Enterobacter spp were mostly sensitive to number of antibiotics. Resistant to antibiotics against Enterobacter spp. indicated Clindamycin 3/5 (60%)<Amoxyclav (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid) 2/5(40%)< Azithromycin 2/5(40%)< Cefoxitin (Cephoxitin) 2/5 (40%) < Chloramphenicol 2/5(40%)< Ciprofloxacin 1/5(40%)<Doxycycline Hydrochloride 2/5 (40%)<Erythromycin 2/5(40%)<Gentamicin 2/5 (40%)<Ampicillin 1/5(20%)< Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid 1/5 (20%)<Meropenem 1/5(20%)< Nitrofurantoin 3/5 (60%)< Tetracycline 1/5 (20%). In our study highest resistance in Enterobacter spp was found for Clindamycin (60%) followed by in the range of 40% to 20% for other antibiotics. In our study, one Staph. aureus isolated from urine sample was 100% resistant to Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid, Cfeotxitin, Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin, Chloremphnicol, Azhithromycin, Ampicillin whereas 100% sensitive to Pencillin G, Meropenem, Gentamycin, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and Nitrofurantoin. We also isolated C. albicans from urine sample and confirmed it by PCR. The information and knowledge generated in the study would contribute tremendously towards AMR Network Surveillance. In this study, the drug sensitivity data obtained from urine samples of human patients in Bareilly may help in devising treatment strategy to patients.



AMR, Enterobacriacae, Urine samples.


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