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Aims and Scope

The Journal of Entomological Research is an International journal covering latest development in Entomology. It is a quarterly journal. Distinguished entomologists drawn from different parts of the world serve as honorary members of the Editorial Board. The journal encompasses all the varied aspects of entomological research. This has become the felt-need in scientific research due to emphasis on intra-, inter-, and multi-disciplinary approach. Broadly, the journal covers research work on insect morphology, systematics, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology, behaviour, toxicology, economic thresholds and pest management, pesticide formulation, neem and botanical insecticides, synergism, plant introduction and quarantine, legal control; environmental entomology and pollution, global warming and pest outbreaks, changing pest scenario, insect pathology, social insects, apiculture, silkworm, biological control and application of biotechnology in entomology. Also, the research findings of topical interests in the field of forest entomology, medical entomology and veterinary entomology appear in the journal.

The journal in its entirety provides an integrated forum for the presentation of original research articles. It is indispensable for students, scientists, professionals at every stage of the educational and training system, especially those involved in research, planning and the development of new programmes at the national and international levels.

While accepting publications from India or abroad, emphasis is on authors of repute who have distinguished themselves in the area of their specialization.

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