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Journal of Global Communication
Year : 2008, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 132) Last page : ( 141)
Print ISSN : 0974-0600.

A study on characteristics of trained farm women and their skill level

Sujatha P., Lecturer, Vasanthkumar J., Professor & Head

Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University Annamalainagar, Chidambaram - 608 002. Email: athiru_ento@yahoo.com, kumarjv.in@gmail.com


This research paper deals with the assessment of skill level of the trained farm women in Agriculture and identification of the associated variables. The skill of the trained farm women on the major technologies taught in the TANWA training was assessed based on the skill test. The study was conducted in the purposively selected Vellore District of Tamil Nadu state in India. With a sample size of 300 trained farm women, six major critical recommended skills taught in TANWA training were selected to find out the skill level of trained farm women. The study revealed that the mean percentage scores of all the six major practices were found to be medium to high with more than 40.00 per cent under all items. As a result of correlation analysis between the selected 25 traits and skill level, variables such as Education, Family type, social participation, urban contact, Farm status, Annual income, Farm power status, material possession status market income, self confidence and these variables are very important in the contest of orientation, scientific orientation, Risk orientation Economic motivation, Achievement motivation, systematic planning, self-confidence, credit orientation and decision making were found to be significant. The regression co-efficient values are positively significant for educational status, occupational status, annual income, scientific orientation, achievement motivation, initiative and self confidence and these variables are very important in the contest of skill possessed by the trained farm women attending the training. The R2 value indicated that all the variables taken together served as cause for explaining 98.00 per cent of variation in the skill level. In order to improve the skill level the variation in personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of farm women should be kept in mind before designing training programmes and farm women needed to be convinced and motivated about the new technologies to adopt them.


Key words

Skill, Trained Farmwomen and TANWA.


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