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Aims and Scope

Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology (JIIP) is a peer-reviewed journal and officially published by the Society for Immunology and Immunopathology (SIIP). The aim of this journal is to provide updated information to the scientists, clinicians, immunologist/microbiologists and pathologists working in different areas of immunology and immunopathology, and to understand the advances in experimental and clinical aspects of immunology and immunopathology.

The JIIP publishes original research and review articles, case studies and letters to the editor related to the fields of basic and comparative immunology, immunopathology, clinical immunology, molecular immunology, immunology of infectious diseases and cancers, transplantation immunology, neuroimmunology, immune disorders like hypersensitivity, immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases, immunogenetics, immunotoxicology, immunoprophylaxis/vaccines, immunological assays/immunodiagnosis, immunopharmacology and/or immunotherapy belongs to the animal species like livestock (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine), companion animals (cat and dog), pack animals (horse, camel and donkey), poultry, wild animals, laboratory animals, fish, and human. Studies employing the immunomodulatory properties of plant extracts, feed additives, microbiome, or natural/synthetic compounds in laboratory animals can be submitted.

Ideas and suggestions as per current problems or important immunological topics for Special Issues are also welcome.

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