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Phytopathogenic Mollicutes

Publication's web-site
Publisher: Technology Society Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Print ISSN: 2249-4669
Online ISSN: 2249-4677
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

The Mollicutes are a class of bacteria distinguished by the absence of a cell wall. They change shape readily (pleomorphism) because they lack a cell wall, being bounded by a triple-layered lipoprotein membrane that contains a sterol.Individuals are very small, typically only 0.2-0.3 in size and have a very small genome size. Thus mollicutes possibly became the smallest self-replicating organism in nature . They vary in form, although most have sterols that make the cell membrane somewhat more rigid. Many are able to move about through gliding, but members of the genus Spiroplasma are helical and move by twisting. The best-known genus in Mollicutes is Mycoplasma. They are parasites of various animals, humans and plants, living on or in the host's cells. Many Mollicutes cause diseases in humans, attaching to cells in the respiratory or urogenital tracts, particularly species of Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Phytoplasma and Spiroplasma are plant pathogens affecting over 300 plant species associated with insect vectors. To maintain their parasitic mode of life the mollicutes have developed rather sophisticated mechanisms to colonize their hosts and resist the host immune system. No research journal is available which mainly focus mollicutes. Hence Mollicutes journal will be of more significance to research workers mainly involved and associated in mollicutes research all over the world. Indexed/Abstracted with - SCOPUS, UGC-CARE(Group II), NAAS Rating 2024 - 5.17, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF - 6.02), InfoBase Index(IB Factor - 2.8), EBSCO Discovery, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, J-Gate, ESJI, I2OR, Indian Science, Cite Factor, DRJI, EZB, IIJIF, Indian Science Abstracts and Agricola.

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