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Jagdish Chandra Kapur


Jagdish Chandra Kapur

Managing Editor

Chanda Singh

Consulting Editor

Kiran Khosla

Editorial Advisory Board



Côme Carpentier de Gourdon, France;



Moonis Ahmar, Pakistan; Ravi Bhoothalingam, India;



Mary C Carras, USA; Tarun Das, India; Erika Drucker,



Switzerland; Eijiro Noda, Japan; C V Ranganathan, India;



Arjun Sengupta, India; Mohamed Ibrahim Shaker, Egypt


Manager Sales and Marketing


Pratibha Shah



Belam Singh

Design Consultants


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World Affairs International Advisory Board

Anindita N Balslev

Philosopher, Author, Aarhus, Denmark

Vasant K Bawa

Author, Historian, Activist; Former Member of the Indian Administrative Service, Hyderabad, India

Frank Bracho

Economist, Author, Former Ambassador & Advisor South Commission, Caracas, Venezuela

Johan Galtung

Director, Professor, Peace Studies, Transcend, France

Jamshyd N Godrej

Managing Director, Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd, Mumbai, India

Edward Goldsmith

Ecologist; Publisher, The Ecologist, London, UK

Jorge Heine

Professor, Department of Political Science, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada

Hazel Henderson

Evolutionary Economist, Author, Editor, The United Nations: Policy and Financing Alternatives, USA

Noritake Kobayashi

Professor Emeritus at Keio University; Dean, The College of Cross Cultural Communication and Business, Shukutoku University, Tokyo, Japan

Evgyeny Kozhokin

Director, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, Moscow, Russia

Terry Mollner

Chairman, Trusteeship Institute, USA

Jasjit Singh

Former Director, Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India

Henryk D Skolimowski

Chair, Eco-Philosophy, Warsaw, Poland

Mikhail L Titarenko

Director, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Moscow, Russia

Kapila Vatsyayan

Chairperson, India International Centre?Asia Project; Member, Executive Board UNESCO; Former Secretary, Department of Arts, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, India

Georg Wiessala

Professor, International Relations, Department of Education and Social Science, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Zhang Yunling

Director, Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, CASS, Beijing, China

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