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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 11) Last page : ( 17)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826.

Impact of Migration in Malappuram District-An Analysis

Ahammed A.K Saleel

Research Scholar Research Department of Economics, Sh College Thevara

Online published on 2 May, 2018.


Migration has been considered as one of the dominant factors, which influences the overall development of major economies in the world. It has a wider meaning and complex structure, apart from this, it is a multi-dimensional concept and it includes various socio-economic aspects. Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location. Due to the occurrence of oil boom in 1970s especially in gulf countries, people from Kerala got opportunity to earn high amount of foreign remittance, which leads to construction sector boom in Kerala economy, and this construction sector boom indirectly promoted internal migration to Kerala. This study has analyzed the growth and trend of emigration, distribution of foreign remittance and impact of in-migration by a sample survey. The relevant statistical tools-averages, tabular and diagrammatic presentations and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data. The emigration pattern shows that there is steep increase each year compared to previous year. Out of the total foreign remittance, more than 60 percent are invested in construction sector and more than 70 percent of the internal migrant laborers are working as unskilled labours. Besides these, majorityof internal laborers are from west Bengal.



Construction, Emigration, Foreign remittance, In-migration, Migration.


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